License to Launch - Video Course
Have you wanted to take your model rocket hobby to the next level, but anything involving DIY seems complicated or unclear?
Get a precise materials list and exact video instructions to build your own launch controller using License to Launch, and fall in love with model rocket launches all over again!
Only hours left to get License to Launch for only $27!
(normally $45)
This is the only time you will see License to Launch at this special offer price! After the timer expires it will go back up to the retail price.
Make Your Own Launch Controller
Launching a rocket is the best few seconds of the entire hobby. But with the standard Estes controllers most people use, the launch experience is, well, underwhelming…
And to go out and figure out how to make your own is downright confusing, expensive, and frustrating… until now.
What if someone showed you the no-brainer steps, exactly what to purchase, and precisely what to do? (Good luck finding that on YouTube…)
How good would that feel to build something of your own while COMPLETELY avoiding the headache of unforeseen issues, guesswork, and endless troubleshooting?
Well, you’re in luck. License to Launch includes ALL of that and more and will get you 100% of the way to building your own incredible launch controller to make launches 10x more fun!
Get the exact instructions to DIY your own awe-inspiring launch controller without wasting your time, money, or frustration.
Three Reasons You'll LOVE License to Launch
10x Better Launches
Dramatically increase the excitement of every model rocket launch using your very own home built, beautifully designed launch controller with that super-fun-to-smash-irresistibly-big-red-launch-button.
No Guess Work
Complete a DIY project with confidence knowing that you have the exact materials list and precise video instructions to 100% finish.
No Wasted Money
Avoid unnecessary wasted time, money, and frustration figuring out how to build from scratch. We put in over 100 hours and tried a bunch of products that didn't work to figure out exactly what did work, so you wouldn't have to!
License to Launch Course Syllabus
This course is PACKED with value. But the best part about it? We eliminate ambiguity and confusion by using step by step tasks that are sooo simple to understand and follow. This saves you SO much time, money, and energy! This is the exact course we wish we would have found when building our own launch controllers. (Frankly, we’re a bit jealous…) Here’s everything you get!
Module 1: Introduction and Knowledge Crash Course
All of the prerequisite knowledge you'll need to complete the course packed into two videos. We boil it down to exactly what you need to know. -
Video #1: Introduction and What You'll Need
We introduce two controllers that you can make. The first is a more basic design that gets you comfortable with the concept of building fundamental circuitry. The second design takes those fundamentals and repeats them to add lots of new features like annunciator lights, continuity lights and buzzers, multiple safety switches, and an on/off key switch. These concepts will give you the knowledge to create more complex builds simply by repeating the patterns and adding more features. -
Video #2: Essential Electricity Knowledge Needed
You don't need to have ANY prerequisite knowledge of electricity or circuitry to complete this course. In this video we cover the essential knowledge and terminology that will be applicable to these launch controllers. We also teach the concept of what is happening in the controllers, why they work the way they do, and instructions for stripping and connecting wires to build the circuits.
Module 2: Basic Controller Build
First we build a more basic controller to demonstrate the circuitry and assembly concepts, which we'll apply to the more complex launch controller. -
Video #3: Basic Controller Step 1: Building the Circuit
We'll show you how to wire everything to build the basic controller. We'll use, replicate, and expand on these principles to build the more complex controller next. -
Video #4: Basic Controller Step 2: Prepping the Box
Plan your controller layout, measure and make appropriate cuts for the controller components, and prep and apply vinyl covering to give it a professional look! -
Video #5: Basic Controller Step 3: Assembling the Box
Begin to assemble the actual controller, fasten components, and make plans for attaching the battery pack. At this point the controller is really coming to life! -
Video #6: Basic Controller Step 4: Final Wiring
Here we show you how to complete all of the final wiring without soldering anything! You could certainly solder if you wanted to, but it's not required in this build. We're keeping it approachable. -
Video #7: Basic Controller Step 5: Testing and Troubleshooting
Now that the controller is built, it's time for final testing and any troubleshooting if it's not working as expected. This is a huge moment because your first build is complete! -
Module 3: Complex Controller Build
"Complex" doesn't mean complicated. It's still super approachable and takes the concepts learned in the basic build and multiplies them to make this controller even more feature-rich! -
Video #8: Complex Controller Step 1: Building the Circuit
We'll show you how to organize and wire everything to build the complex controller. It's similar to the basic controller build but the process is repeated many more times to enable all of the features and components in this more complex build. -
Video #9: Complex Controller Step 2: Prepping the Box
Plan your controller layout, measure and make appropriate cuts for the controller components, and prep and apply vinyl covering to give it a professional look! This build has more components so it requires a little more thought in the layout. -
Video #10: Complex Controller Step 3: Assembling the Box
Start to assemble the actual controller, fasten components, and make plans for attaching the battery pack. At this point this more expanded controller is looking sooooo good! -
Video #11: Complex Controller Step 4: Final Wiring
Complete all of the final wiring without soldering anything! You could certainly solder if you wanted to, but it's not required in this build. We're keeping it approachable! -
Video #12: Complex Controller Step 5: Testing and Troubleshooting
Now that the controller is built, it's time for final testing and any troubleshooting if it's not working as expected. This. Controller. Looks. Amazing. -
**BONUS!** Module 4: Enticingly Exciting Extras -
Materials Vault ($50 Value)
Here is our EXACT list of products you can affordably purchase to built the exact same controllers as in our videos. No guessing or ordering incompatible components (like we did sooo many times and wasted a LOT of time and money on). Get exactly what you need the first time! Honestly this is worth more than the price of the course becasue it will save you so much money buying the wrong things! -
Expansion Inspiration and Ideas ($25 Value)
What could you do to expand on these controllers, and what would you need to buy to do it? Glad you asked! Here is our list of awesome ideas that you could easily add to your controller using the exact same principles and skills you learned in the course! -
Curated Time-Saving List of Supplemental Videos ($25 Value)
If you want to go much deeper on the concepts of electricity, circuitry, and more, here is our list of favorite high-quality videos. We all know that YouTube has a LOT of junk you have to sift through to find the good stuff, and this list is only the good stuff! No wasted time watching the first few minutes of a video only to discover it's not helpful at all.
Only hours left to get License to Launch for only $27!
(normally $45)
This is the only time you will see License to Launch at this special offer price! After the timer expires it will go back up to the retail price.
Meet Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Kevin. I’m a professional videographer, entrepreneur, and model rocket enthusiast. As I’ve built and launched more and more model rockets, I’ve realized that the launch experience wasn’t living up to what it could be because of the cheap and simple controllers you typically get with rocket kits. They don’t even attempt to embody the same launch sequence and excitement that comes with NASA or SpaceX launches.
So, I set out to build my own launch controllers.
What I found was a nightmare collection of poorly produced, confusing YouTube videos that didn’t explain what I was trying to accomplish. Like, at all. I ordered SO much stuff that didn’t end up working and spent hundreds of hours researching and tinkering and banging my head against the wall until finally I got it right and built something that looked gorgeous and worked like a charm.
License to Launch is my documentation of the exact process I formed that came out of all of the hundreds of dollars and hours I spent frustratingly trying to figure it out from scratch. Having my own launch controller has made my model rocket hobby SO much more fun, and you’re moments away from being able to do the same.
But enough talking, let’s get to building! See you inside.
Frequently Asked Questions
After you purchase, you will receive a link via email to access the course and stream the videos and download the extra content. Easy peasy!
No! If you do have experience, that will obviously help, but we built License to Launch such that you don’t need any prior knowledge to be able to complete these builds. We built it to be extremely approachable, because we were so frustrated at how fragmented and confusing the rest of the internet was on this topic!
Yes! We start at the very basics, including how the circuitry on these controllers works, how to organize and test your circuitry before ever installing it on the controller box, and how to troubleshoot the controller if it is not working properly at the end. The Materials Vault also gives the exact list of materials we used in these builds so that you can follow along verbatim if you’d like!
Yes! Buying too many things that didn’t work was one of the most frustrating parts of building the controllers ourselves. So, License to Launch comes with a Materials Vault where we give you links to the exact products we use in our builds so you can replicate it exactly if you’d like!
These controllers are 100% solder-free, and we show you how to do the same as well in a SAFE manner.
We tried to make this as simple as we could, without the use of extra gear. You will need a drill, drill bits, screwdrivers, a razor blade or cutting tool, and a heat gun (although a hair dryer should do the trick as a substitute). That’s it! (No soldering needed.) The exact materials we use in the builds are conveniently listed in our Materials Vault so you can follow along exactly step by step if you choose!
No. High Powered Rockets use a different launching system with different electrical requirements. Our course is meant to take the place of the typical Estes launch controllers that power engine sizes of up to D and E engines.
Due to the digital nature of License to Launch, no refunds will be issued for the purchase of the course. However we are here to handle any other customer support requests right away (such as if you purchased the course twice on accident, etc.). Visit our contact page to reach out and we’d be glad to help you.
How do I get License to Launch?
Step 1
Purchase License to Launch right here on this fancy page. It’s super quick! (You can also click here.)
Step 2
Right away you’ll receive a confirmation email and a link to view the License to Launch videos and download the Enticingly Exciting Extras. Access from any device or browser.
Step 3
Follow our instructions in the video content and you’re off to the races building your own launch controller!
REAL Reviews From REAL Customers
License to Launch is Perfect For...
The Model Rocket Hobbyist
Looking for a way to take your model rocket hobby to the next level? While some rockets are more fun than others, your launch controller can consistently make the launch sequence incredibly exciting. Build this once and use on all of your small powered rockets moving forward. Ditch the standard Estes launch controller and build a legitimate one with License to Launch!
The Aspiring DIY'er
Interested in a DIY project in model rockets but not sure where to get started? You’d be hard-pressed to find a more detailed, structured, and easy-to-follow set of instructions than License to Launch. We built it because we were frustrated with how bad the rest of the internet was when trying to build our own controller. License to Launch has everything you need to learn and complete the project with 100% confidence!
The Avid DIY'er
License to Launch is going to give you so many new ideas for how to take our beautiful launch controller and take it to the next level. Skip the guesswork of what materials to buy and how to assemble, and get started right away with our structured course. If you’re used to making projects and looking for your next one, look no further!
The Parent
Model rocketry is a great hobby because of how much you learn from it. Building your own launch controller with your child is a way to further expand the knowledge they are receiving from the hobby, which now includes basic electronics and circuitry. License to Launch is the perfect DIY project to do together that provides the structure you need while leaving room for the creativity you desire!
Take Advantage of This Limited-Time Offer to Buy License to Launch at a Discounted Rate
License to Launch Video Course
Knowledge Crash Course videos that provide 100% of the prerequisite information you'll need to successfully build your controller! We watched sooo many horrible YouTube videos that didn't explain the right stuff, so we distilled down the NECESSARY info into our own crash course!
5-part video course that teaches step-by-step how to build the basic (but beautiful) launch controller that will be used as a framework for the more complex launch controller build! No more TV remote Estes controllers... you've graduated! You can 100% build this, we promise.
5-part video course that teaches step-by-step how to build the COMPLEX launch controller that will increase the excitement of your launches by 10X! This is the set of instructions we were HOPING to find on the internet, and now it's all neatly packaged step-by-step for you. (Frankly, we're a little jealous...)
**BONUS** Materials Vault ($50 Value) that provides exact list of what to purchase to build our controller verbatim! Honestly this is worth more than the price of the course. We spent sooo much extra money and time and frustration buying stuff we didn't need. Here we give you the EXACT spec list of materials we use so you can follow along and not waste a penny.
**BONUS** Expansion Inspiration and Ideas ($25 Value) that lists tons of ideas to expand on your controller using the same knowledge and skills taught in the video courses! This is so exciting... the sky is literally the limit for what you can produce now, and here we give you a jump start on ideas!
**BONUS** Curated Time-Saving List of Supplemental Videos ($25 Value) that highlights our favorite videos that can take your learning on electricity and circuitry to the next level. No more scouring through YouTube and wasting time on bad videos... here we send you straight to the good stuff!
We can't wait to see you inside!