Due to the increase in popularity of rockets, since the 1950s launch of sputnik, more regulations and rules have made it difficult to find an ideal model rocket launch site. Building and launching your own rocket, especially if you are an amateur, is not so simple though. You’ll run into a few legal roadblocks, restrictions, and rules that you need to abide by.
All of these restraints leave many enthusiasts questioning, where can I launch my model rocket? You can find a model rocket launch site in two direct ways:
- Searching for a rocket club near you that may already have access to a designated launch site.
- Looking for your own plot of land that meets the needed attributes, requirements, and laws for launch and gain permission to use the land and/or airspace if needed.
In order to help you find a launch site for your model rocket fast and efficiently, we’ve outlined the steps you can take in either direction.
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal advice and is simply a summary of our own experience and the information we found online. Use your discretion and decision making to comply with all local laws for launching model rockets.
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How to Find a Model Rocket Club Near You
The easiest approach to obtaining access to a launch site is to join a club that’s in your area (or relatively close). Chances are, this club has already gained use of a launch site of their own. These clubs are organized with the help of the National Association of Rocketry and are referred to as NAR Sections.
Aside from being able to use a launch site without worry, you’ll enjoy many other benefits from being a part of a NAR Section.
- Your equipment and assets are protected by a 5-million-dollar liability insurance policy that each NAR section is covered by.
- Sections host regular competitions, conventions, activities, and launches that you can take part in.
- The section you join might be the next host of the NARAM, NSL, or NARCON event.
How to Become a Member of NAR
In order to become a part of a NAR section, you’ll need to be an official National Association of Rocketry member. You can expect the following benefits from becoming a member of the NAR per the official website:
- Six issues of Sport Rocketry magazine;
- The NAR Member Guidebook—a 64-page how-to book on all aspects of rocketry;
- $5 million rocket flight liability insurance;
- Access to the “Member Resources” website; and
- Access to NAR technical reports, high-power certification, and clubs
This paid membership charges annual fees based on a few different options you can choose from. Refer to the below chart on how much it might cost you.
Regular Type = Normal Postage for Magazine Subscription
First Class = First Class Postage for Magazine Subscriptions

Formally apply to become a NAR member on the National Association of Rocketry’s website here.
If there is no NAR section near you, you can also apply to create your own, find out more here.
Finding Your Own Launch Site
If you’re not interested in a paid membership with the NAR and you simply want to experiment with model rocket launching on your own, you can try to find your own launch site so long as you follow laws and regulations accordingly in your state.
What Class Is Your Rocket
In order to determine the requirements and regulations, you’ll need to abide by for a launch site you first need to determine what class of rocket you fall into.
Class 1 – For standard amateur model rockets that: use 4.4 ounces of propellant or less and is slow-burning, is constructed of breakable plastic, paper or wood, has no large metal parts, and weighs 53 ounces or less with propellant.
Class 2 – High-power Rockets that are amateur rockets propelled by a motor(s) having a combined total impulse of 40,960 Newton-seconds, or 9,208 pound-seconds.
When You Need FAA Authorization for Launching a Model Rocket
The main difference in regulation between class 1 and 2 rockets, is that a class 1 rocket does not require a waiver from the FAA for launch, whereas a class 2 rocket does. If you have a class 2 rocket, you’ll need to apply for a Certificate of Waiver of Authorization from the FAA which will give you permission to operate your rocket in the specified airspace.
You’ll then have to notify the FAA contact you are assigned 24 hours before launch so they can appropriately send out a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) in the assigned area. You’ll need to apply at least 45-60 days ahead of the launch.
The National Association of Rocketry provides a great walkthrough on how to fill out Form 7711-2 which is needed to apply for the waiver, view this walkthrough here.
How to Determine a Suitable Launch Site
Your first idea for a potential launch site might be a recreational park nearby or an empty field you know of. While these are great options for model rocket launches, you should avoid areas that have these particular features:
- Tall surrounding trees that would be close to your launchpad.
- Power lines in the vicinity.
- Close and occupied buildings.
- A large amount of dry brush and grass.
For high-power rocket launches, you’ll have to be wary of the above while also adding in, a 1500 feet minimum distance between the site and any occupied buildings. The site also can not contain any highways that have traffic of more than 10 cars per hour.
Your launch site must correspond in size based on installed total impulse (N-sec) of your model rocket and the motor type. Use the below table to determine what size your launch site should be.
(N-sec) | Motor Type | Minimum Size of Launch Site (ft. from obstacles) |
0.00–1.25 | 1/4A, 1/2A | 50 |
1.26–2.50 | A | 100 |
2.51–5.00 | B | 200 |
5.01–10.00 | C | 400 |
10.01–20.00 | D | 500 |
20.01–40.00 | E | 1,000 |
40.01–80.00 | F | 1,000 |
80.01–160.00 | G | 1,000 |
160.01–320.00 | Two Gs | 1,500 |
Potential Launch Site Ideas
If you’re stretched for ideas on where to set up your launch site, you might consider the following ways to look for an ideal area:
- Reach out to a local agency who has control of open and available land in the area. For example park management, school districts, farmers, etc.
- Use Google Maps in an aerial view to try and find open plots of land with ideal conditions. You’ll want to visit these potential areas on foot though to assure they meet the conditions thoroughly for a launch site.
- U.S. Geological Survey Maps can help you to outline where trees, power lines, and buildings are located. These are all of the things you want to avoid having at your launch site, so it would be a good idea to try purchasing one and using it in your investigation for a potential launch site.
- If you’ve narrowed in on specific areas that could be suitable for launch, check out the zoning maps of these areas to make sure that they are zoned properly for recreational use.
- Obtain a Plat Book of your county that will help to show you the boundaries of the areas you are interested along with owner information for a contact.
Who to Contact for Permission
Once you’ve determined the perfect area(s) for launch, you’re going to want to contact a few people to further clarify that you are allowed to launch your model rocket in these areas and that you meet all restrictions and regulations based on your local county, state, and federal laws.
Contact the Landowner First
If you’re looking into launching at a park, or land owned by a local agency, you’ll want to get some kind of written approval from them first. If it’s privately owned residential land, you’ll want to contact the owner for approval as well. You want to approach these entities in a professional manner concisely and accurately stating:
- Your complete and thoroughly researched plan for launch.
- The specific times and duration for launch.
- An example of what they can expect from the launch.
- If you’re a NAR member, obtain an insurance certificate to present to the owner which protects them.
Contact the Local Authorities
Once you have approval from the landowner, the most fail-safe way of making sure you are ready to launch is to get in touch with the fire marshal who oversees the launch area. A lot of jurisdictions require the written approval and notification of the fire marshal before launch.
Even if your jurisdiction does not require this, your marshal will be able to discuss with you the specific fire and safety codes associated with your launch. These officials can also make you aware of any other requirements specific to the area that you were unaware of. Obtaining this kind of a direction from a local authority can prove to be invaluable for the safety and liability of yourself and others.
When You Need an Explosives Permit
You no longer need a federal explosives permit to fly a rocket based on the motor. However, there are certain types of igniters that will require such a permit. If you plan to use cans or other types of igniters that use large amounts of black powder, you’re going to want to obtain a Federal Low Explosives User Permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE).
You must 18 years or older to apply for this permit and have no record of felonies while also passing a background check. You’ll also have to be personally interviewed by a BATFE agent. Be advised that using an explosive ignition system as opposed to electrical might deter some local agencies and landowners from allowing you to use their property for launch, even if you have the proper permit.
Can I Launch a Model Rocket During a burn ban?
When air quality becomes degraded, government officials might order a mandatory burn ban that helps to manage air quality and safety. These commonly happen the most during the fall or winter and can last anywhere from a week up to a month. During these bans, citizens are restricted from using wood stoves, fireplaces, or outdoor methods of burning.
For children, adults, and elderly folks with respiratory and heart diseases, inhaling the fine particles and other carcinogens from the burning of wood or wood-based products can be harmful to their health. There are actually two stages of a burn ban.
Stage 1: Stage 1 bans happen when weather conditions and pollution levels directly affect the air quality, and a prediction is set that based on these factors, an impending violation of standards will occur.
Stage 2: Stage 2 bans take place once the fine particulate pollution levels exceed a level set by the state’s law.
In both stages, any device that generates visible smoke is prohibited. In stage 1, the device must be certified. In stage 2, certified devices are even restricted.
A burn ban is another great reason to consult with the local fire marshal in the area. Different counties and states will have their own rules on what is allowed and not allowed during a burn ban. The best way to know is to contact them directly to find out if you can launch your rocket during one.
Keep in mind why it’s pretty important to consult with your local marshal first, those who violate a burn ban in their area will be assessed penalties anywhere from $500 to $15,000 dollars. It’s not worth the hole in your pocket to take the risk without first asking.
Is There a Minimum Age Requirement for Launching a Model Rocket?
While there are some age restrictions for purchasing specific rocket motors that are above the ‘F’ power class, there is no specific minimum age requirement for launching a model rocket. Most manufacturers recommend supervision for children who are under 10 years old, but it is not legally required.
The NAR has a great guidebook that covers in detail all of the basic steps you should take for determining where you can launch your model rocket based on laws & regulations. You can read it in detail here.
Does Your Model Rocket Meet the Specific Safety Codes?
There are two sets of safety codes that the National Association of Rocketry sets for model rockets and high-powered rockets. Before you attempt to launch your rocket at any site, you should make sure that your rocket thoroughly meets all of the outlined specifications in the corresponding safety code.
If you can outline and check off these safety codes and provide them to the local agency or owner of the land you intend to use, it can further improve your standing with them and help them to assure that you know what you are doing and following the appropriate requirements. Use the below checklist we have put together to help you make sure your model rocket meets these requirements.
Code Requirement | Check |
Is your rocket manufactured from lightweight, non-metal parts? This pertains to the body, fins, and nose of the rocket. | |
Is your rocket motor authentic and certified without any added tampering after manufacture? | |
Do you intend to use an electrical launch system with motor igniters that are also electrical? | |
Does your launch system include a safety interlock and return to the off position after release? | |
If your rocket misfires and does not launch, will you follow proper protocol by removing the safety interlock or disconnecting from the power source, and waiting 60 seconds before approaching the rocket? | |
Will you count down prior to launching your rocket? | |
Do you intend to notify everyone of the launch and be sure that they are all paying attention and aware of the launch taking place? | |
If you are using a D motor, will you maintain a safety distance of at least 15 feet for yourself and all spectators? Or if you are using a larger rocket, maintain at least 30 feet distance? | |
Do you plan to use a launch rod, tower or rail that will be pointed within 30 degrees of vertical so the rocket’s trajectory is straight up? | |
Will you have a blast deflector in place to prevent exhaust from hitting the ground? | |
Will the launch rod be above eye level and capped off when not in use to prevent eye injury? | |
Is the combined total of your rocket with propellant 53 ounce or less? | |
Will you ensure that your rocket does not exceed the 4.4 ounce maximum of propellant? | |
Will you take precautions to make sure that your rocket is not set up to launch at targets, clouds, or aircraft? | |
Is your rocket free from flammable or explosive payload? | |
Is your rocket launch site the appropriate size based on N-Sec and motor size? | |
Do you intend to ensure there is no dry brush, grass, tall trees, or buildings near your launch site? | |
Will you only launch in safe weather conditions where the wind speed is 20 miles per hour or less? | |
Does your rocket have a streamer or parachute for safe return and recovery after launch? | |
Is your recovery system wadding flame-resistant or fireproof? | |
If your rocket lands on a power line, tall tree, or dangerous area, will you contact a local authority for help instead of trying to obtain it yourself? |
Participating in or Holding Contests
The NAR holds various contests every year, and if you join a local NAR Section, they might even hold their own chapter competitions you can participate in. You can find contests directly on their website here. Again, in order to participate in their contests, you’ll have to become an official member.
You can be assured that participating in the NAR sanctioned contests will require that your rocket also meet the specific safety codes we already addressed. You’ll also find though that they have Launching requirements that must be met as well.
Do You Meet Standard Launching Requirements?
Explained and outlined by the NAR the US Model Rocket Sporting Code describes the recommended launching requirements for all model rockets that are participating in the competition. If you plan to launch your model rocket in competition with the NAR it might be good to brush up on them.
If you plan on hosting your own competition separate from the NAR these are still great requirements to abide by, and you can take ideas from the code to fit your own.
The below requirements are summarized from the outlined sporting code from NAR which you can read in detail here:
Section 5.1 Make Sure You Have A, “Range Safety Officer,” Assigned.
The National Association of Rocketry describes in section 5.1 that a launch requires an assigned, “Range Safety Officer,” (RSO). The RSO is to be the authority figure for any launching or flight operations of model rockets and assures all safety measures are met and precaution is taken to provide optimal performance.
This officer has to be in the very least, in great standing with the NAR to be assigned this title. The RSO has the ability to also assign a Deputy Range Safety Office who assists as needed with partial authority. An RSO is also not allowed to leave the flying field without relinquishing duties and responsibilitys to another high-standing or senior member of the NAR that can take on the title of the RSO.
Section 5.2 Check The Flying Field Conditions
In section 5.2, the importance of a flying field that meets specific safety requirements is described. The NAR specifies that the shortest dimension of the flying filed should be one fourth minimum the maximum altitude that is expected of the rockets being launched. The official launch area should be at minimum 10 meters from any boundaries of the field.
The field should also be inspected for high voltage lines, highways nearby, buildings that could be occupied, or other potential problems like dry brush and grass or tall overhead trees.
Section 5.3 Perform A Thorough Safety Check
The Range Saftey Officer as described in section 5.1 is assigned with inspecting all model rockets that will be launched and flown on the field. All model rockets should meet the specific Safety Codes of the NAR, and the RSO will use their authority and judgment to make the determination on whether or not the model rockets meet these codes.
Section 5.4 Requirements of Launching Devices
There are specific requirements that have to be met for all launching devices. These requirements are explained in section 5.4 by the NAR. Here they are in bulleted and summarized form:
- All launching devices have to assure a vertical path for the model rocket until enough height has been attained by the rocket that the flight can be deemed predictable and safe. The launching angle should be no more than 30 degrees from vertical.
- If the model rocket is light and/or using a motor with 20 Netwon-seconds of impulse or less, it’s suggested to use a rod that is approximately 1/8” diameter and one meter in length.
- If the model rocket is heavier and/or high-powered you’ll need approximately 3/16” or ¼” diameter rod that is also one meter in length.
Section 5.5 The Height Of The Launcher
It’s declared in section 5.5 that the aft of the rocket can not be more than 2 meters above ground when preparing to launch.
Section 5.6 Attributed Momentum
In Section 5.6, it’s explained that all velocity and momentum of the rocket can only be contributed to from its own motor. The launching device can not attribute to any increase in velocity or momentum.
Section 5.7 Expectations for Launch
The NAR explains in 5.7 the expected steps and responsibilities the person launching must take prior to launch, and that is:
- Conducting the launch and ignition of the model rocked only by remote electrical devices, and from a distance outlined by the safety code.
- Having complete and full control of the launching/ignition device.
- Advising everyone within the launch site that they will be initiating the launch.
- Provide a minimum countdown that is audible of no less than 5 seconds.
How to Launch a Model Rocket Safely
While the main focus of this article has pertained to where you can launch a model rocket, some focus should be drawn on how to actually launch the said rocket, and do so in a safe manner. If you’ve purchased a kit, you should be supplied with proper instructions on how to launch the model rocket. If not, here’s a helpful video from Apogee that will walk you through your first rocket launch:
Remember to Have Fun
Whether you use a NAR launch site or your own, it’s important to have fun while also remaining safe. Remember to follow by the safety codes, regulations, and requirements discussed in this article so that you can find the best launch site while keeping yourself and others safe to enjoy your new or continued hobby of model rocket launching.
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal advice and is simply a summary of our own experience and the information we found online. Use your discretion and decision making to comply with all local laws for launching model rockets.
Build Your Own Launch Controller
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