Build Your Own Launch Controller

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How to Attach a Camera to a Model Rocket: Step-by-Step Guide

One way to enjoy model rocketry beyond constructing and launching the rocket is to learn how to attach a camera to it. A camera can capture video of the rocket’s launch and flight, not from a ground view but from an eye view of the rocket itself. However, most model rockets require accurate and precise construction and are not designed to carry cameras in flight. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right camera and properly attach it to a rocket to avoid damaging the model.

So, how to attach a camera to a model rocket?

  1. Choose a camera suitable for mounting to a model rocket.
  2. Consider the facing direction of camera.
  3. Choose a mounting method and attach the camera to the rocket.

There are many benefits that come with building a model rocket, and even more so with attaching a camera to it. Doing this activity enhances learning for aerodynamics, chemistry, physics, and other STEM subjects. STEM is an acronym that stands for the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, considered essential when it comes to higher level education and many professional career fields. Incorporating cameras and filming adds to the learning experience.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

Step 1: Choosing from Suggested Mounted Cameras for Model Rockets

Though theoretically any camera could be attached to a model rocket and launched, this is unwise considering that the added weight of the camera might destabilize the rocket, and you could damage or lose both the model rocket and camera at the same time. Therefore, the best cameras to choose from for attaching to a model rocket are small, lightweight, and durable.

The smaller the camera, the more easily it will attach securely to the model rocket. In addition, the more lightweight the camera, the less it will impact the rocket’s performance during launch and flight. Cameras mounted to model rockets must also be durable, as this is an important factor in avoiding loss or damage to the rocket and camera itself during landing and recovery.

Some suggested mounted cameras for model rockets are primarily spy keychain cameras, USB cameras, mini or lightweight cameras, such as:

For more extensive reading (and examples of footage), see our article on best mounted cameras for model rockets.

Before attaching any camera to a model rocket, the first step is choosing which camera would be most effective for your filming purposes and the build of the rocket.

Step 2: Consider Facing Direction of Camera

Once you have selected a proper camera to attach to your model rocket, the next step is to consider which direction you want the camera to face.

The simplest way of attaching a camera to a model rocket is to have the camera directly facing down towards the ground.

However, there are ways to attach the camera in order to have it facing up towards the sky.

Some model rocket builders decide to mount the camera inside the rocket, which would provide a facing view with a horizontal direction. This direction may provide a wider scope and view of the rocket’s trajectory and flight path.

Step 3: Choose Camera Mounting Method and Attach It

There are a few ways to choose from when mounting a camera to a model rocket and attaching it. Once you have decided which camera to use for your model and the direction you want it to face, you can decide how to mount it and then go through the steps to attach it. The following mounting methods and attachment procedures can help you decide.

Electrical Tape

Using electrical tape is one of the most common and simple ways of mounting a camera to a model rocket. Electrical tape is flame resistant and generally easy to remove by peeling it away from the rocket and camera.

To attach a camera to a model rocket with electrical tape, you would simply wrap the tape around the rocket and camera without covering the camera’s lens. This is an excellent way for beginners to try out attaching a camera to a model rocket.

The technique of using electrical tape works best with very small, thin, and lightweight cameras such as keychain or USB cameras. It’s important when choosing this mounting and attaching method to use caution so that the flight path of the rocket is not destabilized or at risk for loss or damage when landing.

Velcro Button and Camera Hood

Camera hoods are aerodynamic plastic coverings that protect cameras from the force of air created by the rocket’s flight. They can be purchased for about $10. The idea behind using a camera hood as a mounting method is that it interferes less with the aerodynamic flight of the model rocket and protects the camera as well.

  1. To attach a camera using this mounting method, you would install Velcro buttons on both the rocket and camera.
  2. Then, you would attach the camera to the model rocket with the Velcro.
  3. Finally, you would install the hood over the camera. It’s recommended to install the camera hood securely with clear tape.

It’s important to remember that the camera hood cannot be permanently attached to the model rocket so as to remove the camera after the flight. In addition, camera hoods are available only in premade versions and will only fit certain camera and model rocket sizes.


Some model rockets are equipped with a payload section that can be modified in order to mount and attach a camera. The benefit of installing a camera inside the rocket itself is that it will reduce the force of drag on the rocket and result in less interference in the rocket’s flight. Installing a camera inside the rocket still adds weight, however, and if not attached properly to the center, it can make the rocket unbalanced.

In this case, the main issue comes with securing the camera in the rocket tube. If not attached effectively, the camera may fall out or shift its position so that it doesn’t align with the peephole for filming.

In addition, it’s important to consider that the method you use to install the camera inside the model rocket may vary depending on the size of the rocket and how difficult it is to fit your hand inside the tube to secure the camera.

If the rocket tube is big enough, tape can be used to secure the camera in place. Once the camera is mounted and attached, a peephole must be precisely drilled where the camera lens will fit. It’s best to do this before painting the model rocket.

There are even model rockets built with a clear payload bay already installed, such as the following:

All of these offer a clear payload bay that might make camera mounting even easier, or other payload ideas! See our article on 16 model rocket payload ideas for more inspiration here!

Avionics Bay

An even better way to mount and attach a camera to the inside of a model rocket is to use an avionics bay, which is also known as an altimeter or electronics bay (see our starter guide to model rocket altimeters and accelerometers – this is one of the most fun ways to add a new dimension of fun to model rocketry!) . These bays are made to fit below the nose cone of the model rocket. They securely hold and protect electronic equipment such as cameras.

To mount and attach a camera in this way, you would need to secure the camera to the mounting sled inside the avionics bay. If your camera doesn’t fit snugly against the side of the rocket, it’s likely to shift or become loose. To avoid this, you can build up the sled a little so that the camera rests flush with the rocket tube. Also, you would need to drill a precise peephole where the lens of the camera would be inside the rocket.

No matter what decisions you make involving attaching a camera to a model rocket, as long as you follow the proper steps, you will add a greater level of enjoyment and learning to the rocketry experience.

A Word of Caution

We’ve mentioned it several times in this article, but you really don’t want to attach anything to the rocket that will materially alter its flight path or ability to fly in the first place. Any time you are making adjustments or additions to your rocket, exercise extreme caution and also consider using a smaller engine size on the first flight to test the flight characteristics on a smaller scale.

Also keep in mind that small estes rockets aren’t designed to lift much, but to give you more specifics we put a guide together that shows each model rocket engine size and how much it is certified to launch into the air. Make sure that your camera and mounting system doesn’t put you over the edge this maximum allowable weight!

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

How Much Weight Can a Model Rocket Engine Lift?

Understanding the components and specs of model rockets, including how much one can lift, is crucial to continuing the fun and staying safe. Learning more about how model rockets function and the different types will help you better understand their capabilities for lifting different weights.

How much weight can a model rocket engine lift? Depending on the engine size, Estes rockets can lift up to around 15 ounces of weight, with most lifting 3-6 ounces. High powered rockets can be designed to carry much more. Most amateur model rockets are not specifically designed to carry a payload, so it should be as light as possible.

That is not to say that you shouldn’t experiment with payloads of various kinds in your model rockets. One of the joys of rocket building is experimenting with new variances and conditions. Learning how much weight can be carried on a model rocket is only one part of these multifaceted machines that will help keep your flights safe and fun.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

How Much Weight Can a Model Rocket Engine Lift?

Every rocket is different, and designed with a different purpose in mind. The same rocket can use various engine sizes to accomplish different purposes. So, when asking about how much it will lift, the answer is always “it depends.”

Thankfully, Estes Rockets created an excellent chart to refer to for all engine sizes and their intended maximum lift weight.

You’ll notice that most of the mid-size engines (B’s and C’s) have a max lift weight of around 4-6 ounces. Typically, these rockets won’t weight more than a couple of ounces, which gives you a few ounces left to work with in terms of payload.

You’ll need to find your specific rocket and look at the weight and the various engine sizes it can handle, and calculate max payload accordingly. If you look at this chart and see that you are in the clear for your lift-off weight, and you have some breathing room – that is where you can begin to play with what else can be attached or carried with your model rocket.

If you need a refresher on some of the terminology in the chart, see our article on Model Rocket Engine Sizes and Classifications.

What about high powered rocketry?

If you look at the NAR (National Association of Rocketry), there are a host of different competitions, each serving a different purpose. They do have “payload events” in which rockets will either carry a defined payload weight (usually 1-5 ounces or more, consisting of sand in a cylinder onboard the rocket), or carry 1-2 hen’s eggs (called an egg loft, or dual egg loft if there are two).  

These competitions are less about how much weight can your rocket carry, and more about precision. Rockets need to carry a defined payload to a specific altitude and the flight must last a specific duration. Any deviation from this altitude or flight duration leads to a deduction in the score.

  • Standard Precision Payload: Target altitude of 150 meters and target duration of 40 seconds
  • Fragile Precision Payload (one hen’s egg): Target altitude of 300 meters and target duration of 60 seconds
  • Dual Fragile Precision Payload (two hen’s eggs): Target altitude of 500 meters and target duration of 90 seconds

And yes, if the egg is damaged, the rocket is disqualified.

Reasons You May Need Extra Payload

For many people, model rocketry is more about the process and then getting to see it take flight. It typically is not designed for carrying objects, but it can be interesting to let your rocket take flight with something on board.

It can also be useful. There are a lot of ways to enjoy and also utilize your model rocket as an aerodynamic tool.

Here is a list of 16 Model Rocket Payload Ideas that you may have not even thought about before. From data gathering to photography to silly ideas that are purely for fun, there is a lot you can do with your model rocket’s payload.

Here are three of our favorites from that list:

  • Altimeters: Useful for all kinds of experiments and even training for NAR competitions, and onboard altimeter has a lot of applications. Our favorite is the Jolly Logic AltimeterOne (link to read reviews on Amazon).
  • Keychain Camera: Lightweight and mountable, we like the Mate808 (link to read reviews on Amazon).
  • Parachute Toy: These are a classic childhood memory. There are lots of options like these tangle-free paratroopers. Just make sure it will fit in your specific rocket (if not, there are plenty of smaller paratrooper options like these.)

Clear Payload Tubes

If you are interested in adding anything extra to your payload, a great way to do it is using clear payload tubes. It is an easy and safe way to store additional items onboard the rocket.

You will want to keep in mind the size of the tube, the weight, and how it will affect your initial thrust and overall weight to the rocket.

Alternatively, you can buy a rocket already built with a clear payload tube. Here are four of our favorites (all links to read reviews on Amazon):

Rocket Weights and Sizes

Knowing how much weight you can take in your payload with greatly be determined by how much the rocket itself weights as well. Many smaller model rockets can be extremely light weight, but they aren’t always able to handle mid or large-size engines, which impacts its carrying capacity.

Larger rockets can handle larger engines but they weigh more. Just be sure to look up your specific rocket and the engine you are using to estimate how much the rocket can carry in addition.

Safety First

While the idea of launching different items into the sky with your rocket is very appealing, it’s not always what the rockets were originally intended for. There are plenty of ways to make use of the payload with additions of miniature cameras or data collecting tools. Or maybe you want to launch a Luke Skywalker figurine into the sky…just because.

But always keep in mind that this might not have been the original intent of the rocket. So, any time you add anything additional to the rocket or engine, it can result in uncharacteristic flight dynamics and potentially safety issues.

Only add something to your payload that you are confident will not affect the overall launch, flight, or recovery system. There are quite a few possibilities when it comes to payload, but do keep a few rules in mind:

  • Never put anything in the payload bay that could cause harm to another person or object
  • Never put anything explosive in the payload bay
  • Never put anything that is highly flammable in the payload bay
  • This should go without saying, but never include living creatures in your payload
  • Ensure that the payload does not impact the ejection or operation of the recovery system (parachute or streamer… see our article on Parachutes vs. Streamers)


A few ounces might not sound like much, but relative to a model rocket’s weight, it can carry quite a bit. You’ll want to do a little bit of homework on your specific rocket and engine size to better understand its carrying capacity prior to launching. Model rockets are a safe hobby (see our article on “Are Model Rockets Safe?”) but you want to remember they do have the ability to cause damage or injury if not used appropriately. Be safe out there!  

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

How Many Volts Do You Need to Launch a Model Rocket?

Many people know model rockets are ignited using electricity, but not many people other than those who operate them know how many volts they require to get off the ground. 

So how many volts does it take to launch a model rocket? The minimum voltage required to launch an Estes rocket is about six volts (at two amps).

Circuitry in model rocket launches and the voltage involved is an important part of getting rockets off the ground. Read on to find out more about voltage in launching model rockets and how it plays a role in ignition. 

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

How are Model Rockets Powered by Voltage? 

The electrical ignition used to spark a model rocket is arguably the most important reaction in the launch chain. Without this electrical trigger, the model rocket could never get off the ground because there would be no spark to ignite the rocket’s fuel or propellant. 

Using electricity, the launch controller triggers the igniter to spark, and this spark, in turn, ignites the rocket’s propulsion system and sets it off. 

From the smallest model rockets to the large rockets shot off during the Space Race, all rocketry operates on the same basic launch principles, so the launch controller used by an amateur rocketeer is essentially a miniature and simplified version of the same systems used to fire full-scale rockets. 

Ways to Provide Power to Launch a Model Rocket

First of all, if you need a refresher on the launch process, see our article on How Do You Ignite a Model Rocket?

There are several ways available to provide power to ignite model rocket. In terms of how much electricity is needed, this Estes guide states that Estes igniters requires 2 amperes at 6 volts to ignite. If you need a refresher on the relationship between amps and volts, that same guide also provides some helpful background.

In order to provide that electricity to ignite the igniter, a launch controller is used that will send the necessary electricity for the launch sequence. There are two options when it comes to launch controllers:

  • Prefabricated launch controllers: Many major rocketry companies, such as Estes and Apogee, have prefabricated launch controllers for sale that are essentially a “plug and play” igniter for model rocket launches.
  • Handmade launch controllers: Using simple wiring and a nine- or twelve-volt battery, many rocketeers can eventually be capable of constructing their own customized launch controller. While a DIY launch controller can be a little more difficult to put together than a prefabricated one, there is a lot of joy to be had in building your whole system by hand.

Several companies such as Estes sell prefabricated model rocket launchers that are already rigged for launch, and simply need the addition of an appropriately sized battery. 

Prefabricated Model Rocket Launchers

If you are concerned that you don’t understand the electrical theory behind building a launch controller, but you still want to launch model rockets, you always have the option of buying a prefabricated model rocket launch controllers. The following launch controllers are available for those that want a less intricate setup. 

  • Estes PS II Launch Controller (link to read reviews on Amazon): This rocket launcher is suitable for launching cluster engine powered rockets and is essentially a “plug and play” model. All that’s needed is the addition of C batteries, and you are ready for launch.
  • Estes Electro Beam Launch Controller (link to read reviews on Amazon): This rocket launcher is a good option for all ages and is run off of four AA batteries, which makes powering it both convenient and safe for children. This controller also includes instructions and a safety key. If you’re at all familiar with model rocketry, you’ve most likely used this controller at some point in your launches.
  • Estes 2222 Porta-Rad II Rocket Launch Pad and Electron Beam Launch Controller Combo (link to read reviews on Amazon): This launcher is a good all-in-one package for rocketry since it contains the launch pad and the launch controller rolled into one package. 

Prefabricated model rocket launchers are a practical choice for less experienced users, as it does require some basic knowledge in circuits and electricity in order to build a launch controller from scratch.  

Homemade Model Rocket Launchers

For more experienced model rocketeers, there is a lot of satisfaction to be hand from construction and wiring a launch controller on your own. We actually set out to build our own launch controllers to increase the satisfaction of the launch experience, and what we found on the internet was a complete lack of guidance on how to do this.

We spent SO much time, money, and frustration buying parts that didn’t work or didn’t work together, but finally came up with an end product that we were SUPER happy with.

In fact, we documented every step of the assembly process and every good piece of material purchased and aggregated it into a step-by-step course that you can use to build your own launch controller! As mentioned above, it’s called License to Launch.

Here’s a sneak peak!

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Innovative Ways to Launch a Rocket

Along with traditional launch controllers, some rocketeers have gone even further to introduce new levels of innovation into their launch controller construction. Here is a rocketeer who actually built a launch controller out of a Nintendo 64 controller:

Launch controllers can also be built that integrate Arduino, an open source microcontroller that allows the rocketeer to further modify and customize their launch controller with things like countdown timers and other cool programs. 

Is the Voltage Necessary to Launch a Model Rocket Dangerous?

While nine and twelve volts aren’t really enough to electrocute a person, a 9-volt battery can be somewhat dangerous with regards to fire hazard, since the positive and negative posts on a 9-volt battery are quite close together. If anything conductive falls across the two battery terminals of a 9-volt battery, it can create a short circuit and cause a fire. 

To avoid starting a fire when using a 9-volt battery to launch model rockets, observe the following safety protocol: 

  • Do not store 9-volt batteries near any metal objects or objects that can easily conduct electricity.
  • Do not remove batteries from the packaging until you are ready to use them and install them in a launch controller.
  • Do not dispose of 9-volt batteries with metal or other conductive materials.
  • When not in use, keep battery posts covered with electrical tape to prevent accidental contact with conductive objects. 

When hand-rigging a launch system for model rockets, it’s important to understand basic concepts regarding electricity and how things like voltage and amperage work before taking on any kind of electrical do-it-yourself project. 

Luckily, there are many guides available that make this construction a much safer and simpler process to take on. And with a few minor precautions, anyone can use batteries to launch model rockets with ease and safety. 


Launching model rockets on simple electrical circuits is a great way to introduce anyone to both the joys of constructing and shooting model rockets along with an education on some basic technical and scientific principles they can use in other areas as well. 

To provide the voltage required for launch, both prefabricated and homemade launch controllers are a great choice to achieve blastoff. No matter which one you ultimately go with, launching a model rocket is an enjoyable experience for the whole family. 

How Long Does It Take to Build a Model Rocket?

Building a model rocket is a great learning experience, but some might wonder how long it takes. Constructing any type of model requires patience and focus, and this is especially true when it comes to model rockets due to the added nature of aerodynamics and the precision required for flight performance.

So, how long does it take to build a model rocket?

Building a model rocket can take as little as a few minutes for pre-assembled kits, several hours to a few days for kits where you glue and paint the rocket, or months or years if you’re building amateur high-powered rockets.

There is an entire spectrum of model rockets that you can choose to assemble or build, and the time involved really depends on what kind of rocket you are building and where it fits on that spectrum. We’ll lay out low to high levels of assembly and give some examples in each.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

Low Level Assembly

A model rocket that is considered low level assembly would take the least amount of time to build, sometimes as little as a few minutes to an hour. These models are designed primarily for beginners and often come with pre-assembled parts for easier construction.

Typically glue and paint are not necessary for these types of kits, which makes them very quick to assemble and launch right away.

For example, the Estes Bandito Flying Model Rocket Kit (link to read reviews on Amazon) is part of a beginner model rocket series. Easy to build, the Bandito rocket is approximately 11 inches in length and has a reported flight altitude of around 600 feet.

Estes estimates that the Bandito model rocket can be assembled in about an hour. Its black, slotted body tube allows for easy installation of the green fins. The matching nose cone is then attached, and the kit comes with yellow and green self-stick decals, so glue and paint are not required for assembly.

If you’re looking for the most basic way to get into model rocketry, these kits that do not require any glue or paint are perfect for you. Particularly if you have young children, this might be a good kit type for them as it very beginner friendly (related reading: Best Model Rockets for 5-9 Year Olds and The Best Model Rockets for Beginners).

Medium Level Assembly

Medium level assembly model rockets take a few hours to build, as they require more assembly than rockets designed for beginning builders but not as much assembly as is required for rockets designed for more experienced builders.

These models are intended for intermediate builders and require more complex skills for construction than pre-assembled kits.

While the total time spent might be a few hours, those hours might have to be spaced over a day or more in order to let glue and paint dry.

Estes’ Der Red Max (link to read reviews on Amazon) is an example of an intermediate model rocket series. The Der Red Max is approximately 16 inches tall with an estimated maximum altitude of 500 feet. The 18-inch parachute is pre-assembled for safe recovery and landing.

The estimated time for assembly of the Der Red Max is between 2 and 4 hours, depending on the skill level and experience of the builder and allowing drying time for paint and glue. This model features laser cut wood fins that will need to be painted, decaled (the kit comes with decals), and glued.

Personally, I always thought these types of kits were really fun because it had enough “DIY” type activities (like glue and paint color of your choice) but not SO many that you get bogged down in a several day build that is easier to mess up.

High Level Assembly

Model rockets that are considered high level assembly would take a much longer time to build. These models are designed for advanced or expert builders and require multiple steps for construction and completion.

The Estes Boosted Bertha (link to read reviews on Amazon) is an example of advanced level model rocketry building. This model is considered a sport rocket with an engine in the main rocket and a booster engine that allows altitudes of 1,000 feet depending on what size engine you use (related reading: Model Rocket Engine Sizes and Classifications).

The Boosted Bertha kit comes with body tubes, laser cut wood fins, a molded plastic nose cone, and decals. Modeling tools and finishing supplies are not included.

The estimated assembly time for this model rocket is at least 4 hours, which does not account for paint or glue drying time. Therefore, it’s best to allow a day or two for start to finish construction of this rocket. Estes recommends builders have advanced building skills, as this rocket kit requires extensive modeling experience.

High Powered and Competitive Rocketry

When it comes to high powered and competitive rocketry, model construction is much more open-ended. Generally, these rockets require a much longer build time than traditional model rockets due to their complexity, precision, and need for iterative testing. It can take months to build a high powered model rocket, and if you’re starting from square one, getting the certifications needed to fly high powered model rockets can take years.

High Powered Rocketry

High powered rocketry is an interesting hobby that requires attention to detail, dedication, and knowledge of aerodynamics, physics, craftsmanship, and more. High powered rocketry is similar to the hobby of model rocketry, though there is a difference in that higher impulse range motors are used. The use of these rocket motors allows performance to exceed traditional model rocket constraints when it comes to weight and propulsion power.

Experienced high powered rocket builders often choose to design and construct their rockets from scratch. This process can take months to up to a year or even longer. For beginners, there are high powered rocket kits that can streamline the process and reduce building time. These kits are designed with expertise and provide clear and detailed directions for construction techniques.

Model Rocket Competition

The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) began model rocket competition in 1959. The organization emphasizes craftmanship, flying skill, and sportsmanship among competitors, and is the only rocket organization in the United States that features a structured program of rocketry competition.

The NAR competition encompasses three primary skill areas:

  1. Altitude—this is the ability to maximize altitude within a certain power limit. This reflects consistent and reliable model rocket performance that demonstrates high-quality craftsmanship and careful airframe design as well as fin shape to minimize drag.
  2. Duration—this is the ability to maximize duration with a certain recovery system and retrieval after flight. This reflects recovery system reliability and skill in designing the recovery device for maximum lift. Duration also involves technically terminating flight after a controlled amount of time or retrieving the rocket after flight.
  3. Craftsmanship—this is the ability to build flying scale models of sounding rockets, missiles, and space launch vehicles with the highest degree of skill. This reflects both the aesthetic of the model as well as its ability to fly.

Competitive rocketry takes skill, perseverance, dedication, and an understanding of various scientific subjects and principles. Competitors can take between a few months to up to a year or longer in building and constructing model rockets for competition.

Benefits of Building a Model Rocket

Because this isn’t just a few minute activity (the build or the launch) regardless of the skill level, it’s important to remember some of the unique benefits of pursuing model rocketry as a hobby for yourself or for your children. There are many benefits that come with building a model rocket.

Doing this activity can help people, especially kids, learn about aerodynamics, chemistry, physics, and other STEM subjects.

STEM is an acronym that stands for the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM subject learning is considered essential when it comes to higher level education and many professional career fields.

Model rocketry fulfills many of the national standards for both mathematics and science, which makes it an excellent addition to K-12 math and science curriculum and programs. Companies such as Estes support model rocket projects in the classroom and offer several packages with bulk materials for schools and teachers in the math and sciences.

The model rocketry process involves and applies the following concepts and more:

  • Problem solving
  • Prediction
  • Reasoning
  • Measurement
  • Scientific inquiry
  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Controlling variables
  • Collecting and interpreting data
  • Investigation, hypothesis, and inference

In addition, building a model rocket can be a valuable shared learning experience among students, friends, siblings, and parents with their children to foster cooperation and the reward of task completion. The building process takes time and effort, yet it can inspire people of all ages to pursue rocketry as a hobby, competitive activity, or even a career in aerospace engineering.


Building a model rocket doesn’t have to be intimidating from a time commitment standpoint. Entry level kits require almost no assembly and can be done in under an hour. For those who want to build rockets from scratch, there is a large part of the rocketry community that does just that and can help you with your rocket build that might take weeks, months, or even years. Rocketry can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it, which is one of the many things that makes it so unique. The best way to get started is by a simple kit that doesn’t require much assembly, and you can work your way up from there as you so desire!

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

How Long Do Model Rocket Engines Last?

One of the great benefits of model rocketry is that most of the components are reusable. Rockets you build can be launched over and over, year after year. One of the components that isn’t reusable however, is the rocket engine itself. Not only is it not reusable, but unlike other components of the rocket, it does have a shelf life. So how long do model rocket engines last?

Basic Estes rocket engines can last for several years (or longer) in proper storage. Environments with high humidity and fluctuating extreme temperatures (32˚F to 140˚F) will decrease this shelf life. The shelf life of homemade engines varies as the chemical compounds in the recipe vary.

In this post we’ll cover the shelf life of typical Estes rocket engines, homemade rocket engines, and also provide a resource on how to dispose of expired rocket engines.


Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

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About Model Rocket Engines

The model rocket motor, also known as the “engine” or “propellant,” is the power source of the rocket, consisting of a fuel-and-oxidizer mixture (this solution is the actual propellant). The propellant mixture works along with a “blow-burning delay cap,” and a black powder which is used as the ejection charge. All of these components are packaged together in a casing of paper, aluminum, or plastic. (For related reading, see our other posts on “How do model rocket engines work?” and “Model rocket engine sizes and classifications”)

Homemade rocket engines are quite similar to commercial engines, believe it or not (there are some key distinctions, of course)! The propellant is ignited through the nozzle and burns all components on the entire inside surface of the casing. This burning produces hot, pressurized gases, which are then forced through the nozzle, creating the force needed to launch the rocket.

With regard to the shelf life of model rocket engines, their longevity can be altered by the type of motor and storage environment. Black powder engines are more susceptible to being damaged by environmental factors than composite engines. Homemade engines are even more susceptible as they are not usually made under the best conditions or with the best materials.

Can a Model Rocket Engine Expire?

It’s important that you remember that, in the proper storage environment, some model rocket engines do not expire for several years! The Estes Rocket FAQ page even says that their engines “do not have a shelf life” as long as they are stored in a cool, dry place. There are even reports of people flying black powder model rockets that are over 30 years old. (Not recommended!)

Storage is key. You can keep your model rocket engine as long as you need as long as it is stored in a cool, dry area, and protected from humidity and fluctuating, extreme temperatures (“extreme” being 140˚F and 32˚F).

It is best to keep the engines in the original packaging for as long as possible. This packaging is designed to keep the rockets shelf stable for a long time.

Before flight, you should be in the habit of inspecting your engines whether they are old or not. Look out for any signs of damage, any bulging or loosening of the casing, and rust or deformation of the nozzle. If something looks off with the engine, it mostly like is, but even if it looks fine, there could still be internal issues with engine.

Storing Liquid Propellant

Liquid propellants are made up of a fuel and an oxidizer (i.e. gasoline and liquid oxygen). When ignited, the gases created by the combustion of a liquid propellant engine will be forced through the nozzle at speeds between 5,000-10,000 mph.

Chemical mixtures of liquid propellants can include any dual combination of the following: liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, nitrogen tetroxide, and monomethyl hydrazine. Oxidizers for liquid propellants include nitric acid, nitrogen tetroxide, liquid oxygen, and liquid fluorine.

When storing liquid propellants, it is important that you separate the fuel and oxidizer. Of course, this may seem like common sense, but this is even more critical with liquid mixtures, as some chemical combinations are “hypergolic,” meaning they will spontaneously ignite upon contact between the fuel and oxidizer, whereas others require ignition.

Storing Solid Propellant

Solid rocket propellants – both double-base and composite – are less predictable than liquid propellants, as their chemical makeup makes them behave in a way that cannot be controlled to the extent that liquid propellants can be. There is no control over the consumption of fuel, and even the smallest of disturbances or inconsistencies can interfere with the thrust-time curve.

Solid propellant compositions (including oxidizers) can contain potassium nitrate, potassium chlorate, charcoal powder, sulfur, ammonium chlorate, ammonium nitrate, hydrocarbons, and even plastics. Although they offer the advantage of minimal maintenance and readiness-to-use over liquid propellants, they are even more sensitive to environmental conditions.

These should be stored in carefully controlled conditions and protected from abrupt temperature changes and any mechanical shocks such as being dropped.

Any cracks in the casing of the engine will render it unusable and hazardous – excessive heat will cause warping of the casing, and extreme cold will crack it.

Any place that has controlled temperature and humidity should work for storing your model rockets in their original packaging. Avoid places where there is potential for exposure to fire like kitchens, near heaters, or in workshops.

If you live in an area with cold winters or an area with high humidity, this means you’ll also need to avoid unheated garages, sheds, or porches. A little care with storage will go a long way to keeping your model rocket engines in good condition.

What Happens If You Use an Old Model Rocket Engine?

Using an old model rocket engine that has not been stored properly or is clearly damaged is dangerous, especially if it is a higher powered engine.

How the engine responds will depend on the kind of damage it has experienced, but it would likely explode either while still on the launch pad or after it is airborne. This can cause pieces of the rocket to fly off the rocket or catch on fire. It could also cause the rocket to take an erratic flight path, none of which is safe.

Better safe than sorry. If you found an old Estes model rocket engine in your attic or out in your shed, dispose of it safely and pick up a fresh pack at your local hobby shop.

How to Dispose of a Model Rocket Engine

Disposing old or unused Estes rocket engines is fairly straightforward. Section 13 of this Safety Data Sheet from Apogee states:

“To dispose of a small quantity of product, soak in water for at least 24 hours, then dispose of remnants in an ordinary manner. For large quantities, contact manufacturer or incinerate. The user of this material has the responsibility to dispose of unused material, residues and containers in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding treatment, storage and disposal for hazardous and nonhazardous wastes. Residual materials should be treated as hazardous.”

For disposal of liquid or solid rocket propellant for high powered rockets, contact your local NAR group. They will be able to provide recommendations on how to properly disposal model rocket engines that have been compromised. Alternatively, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends to check with your local waste agency for more information on how to properly dispose of hazardous waste materials.  

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

How Does a Model Rocket Parachute Deploy?

Model rockets are amazing, aren’t they? You work hard putting them together to wait for that special moment when all that work comes to fruition just to send it up to space and wave bon voyage to it. At least that’s what I thought was going to happen as a kid. The reality is very different. You still work really hard to put it together to launch it, but it doesn’t go to outer space.  A parachute pops up and sends it down. 

How does a model rocket parachute deploy?

The parachute of a model rocket is deployed in two stages. The first stage launches the rocket upwards. The second stage deploys the parachute through a small explosive charge upwards inside the rocket tube up to the nosecone, pushing the parachute out and releasing it.

It seems pretty simple, right? While the concept is not a difficult one to understand, we are going to explain how the parachute is incorporated into the rocket and then deployed upon reaching the end of its launch for recovery. There are also other methods of safe recovery that we are going to examine as well, including parachutes, streamers, and radio-controlled recovery methods.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

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The Stages of Model Rocket Parachute Deployment

Most model rockets that are constructed by amateur rocketeers depend upon the implementation of a timer-based parachute deployment system. This is the two-stage system that we had spoken about earlier. Let’s examine it a bit further.

Stage 1 of Model Rocket Parachute Deployment: The Launch

Before the parachute can deploy, the rocket first has to launch.  That’s why many rocketeers consider the launch the first stage. Within a timer-based deployment system, the time of deployment of the parachute is affected by the actual amount of propellant available to the rocket.

The more propellant that is available, the longer the delay of the model rocket’s parachute release. Inversely, the less propellant available to the model rocket’s engine, the shorter the delay in the release of the parachute.  The amount of fuel determines both how high the rocket will fly and when the parachute deploys.

In fact, the naming methodology of the rocket engines follows burn time for the engine itself and the delay (in seconds) before the parachute deploys. You can read more about model rocket engine sizes and classifications here.

The timer-based deployment system’s first stage is also dependent upon environmental factors as well. Launches that are going to be conducted on days that are going to have low wind resistance and clear skies will have optimum conditions for launch (see our article on the maximum wind speed for a model rocket launch).

If the model rocket is launched in conditions other than what is considered ideal, the flight path can be affected.  In addition, the propellant may also be used prematurely.  This will cause an early deployment of stage two. This can be detrimental when studying the rocket for ideal flight and launch statistics. Speaking of statistics, a good place to start when measuring rocket statistics would be with a model rocket accelerometers and altimeters (link to our starter guide article).  

Another aspect, along with less than ideal weather patterns, that will affect this stage of deployment is the size and weight of the model rocket. If you are going to be using a larger rocket that has a little more weight behind it, it will make the timer-based deployment less dependable. With this in mind, it is best to utilize this type of deployment system with a smaller and lighter model rocket.

Stage 2 of Model Rocket Parachute Deployment: Release of the Parachute

Within a timer-based model rocket parachute deployment system, the amount of propellant that the rocket has in conjunction with the weather patterns and size/ weight of the model rocket is going to determine when the second stage of the model rocket’s parachute is engaged.

The second stage of the model rocket’s parachute deployment system is engaged at the end of the first stage, which is going to be when the model rocket’s motor has exhausted all of the propellant that was available to it for the launch and flight.

At the end of the first stage, the model rocket will engage a small charge that will blast back upwards through the model rocket tube towards the direction of the model rocket’s nosecone. This will force the parachute through the top of the model rocket (nosecone). Once the descent begins, the parachute will catch the air underneath it, causing it to open up and come back down for safe retrieval.

Rocketeer Safety Note: There needs to be something in between the blast charge and the parachute (recovery wadding) prior to launch to ensure that the model rocket’s parachute system is properly engaged at the beginning of the second stage. If this step is neglected, the parachute can melt when the second stage begins, and the parachute won’t be engaged. We highly suggest basic model rocket wadding but if you are in a pinch, here are some model rocket wadding alternatives as well.

Other Safe Methods of Model Rocket Retrieval

Like we explained earlier, there are a few different methods to safely retrieve a model rocket after flight, aside from the use of a traditional parachute. We are going to examine two of these other methods– streamers and radio-controlled glider systems.

Streamers as a Model Rocket Recovery System

Streamers are very similar to parachutes in terms of functionality and method of engagement. They also utilize the same two stage parachute engagement system.  Also, recovery wadding still needs to be applied in between the streamers and blast charge to ensure that they are not destroyed when the second stage is engaged. Here’s our article on model rocket parachute vs. streamers and when one is better than the other.

Radio Controlled Glider Model Rocket Recovery Systems

Radio-controlled gliders are another option that has been implemented as a method of model rocket recovery after being launched. According to Estes Rockets, this particular system is known as a boost glider.

Boost gliders are model rockets that function the same as your traditional rockets with an exception. They still rely upon being launched upwards through the engine and motor system that is installed within the model rocket. However, the method of recovery is different than the traditional parachute that comes out of the nosecone.

Instead, upon reaching the end of its initial launch, the boost gliders are engaged and actually increases the height that the model rocket reaches. After reaching and passing the boosting point, the rocket transitions into a glider configuration, and the rocketeer assumes radio control of their model rocket and flies it in a manner similar to a radio-controlled plane.

This method of model rocketry and recovery is fairly new but has come a long way. It is a bit more costly than the parachute and streamer options but is worth taking a look into. For more information and a more in-depth explanation of boost glider model rocket recovery systems and the history of it, don’t hesitate to view Estes Rockets’ technical report on boost gliders.

Things to Remember and Consider With Model Rocket Parachute Systems

Now that we have covered the stages of model rocket parachute systems and how they work, we are going to give you some tips on what to keep in mind when installing parachute systems into your model rocket.  These tips will ensure the safe recovery of your rocket.

Parachutes and Streamers are Deployed by the Model Rocket’s Engine

The model rocket’s engine is what is responsible for the deployment of the parachute and the streamer recovery system. The small blast charge in the engine forces the parachute through the nosecone to be released.

Recovery Wadding is Essential to Ensure the Deployment of the Parachute Recovery System

The heat generated during the beginning of the second stage is great and will melt the model rocket’s parachute if you don’t remember to place recovery wadding in between the blasting cap and the parachute, or the parachute will surely fail due to melting during the engagement of the system.

Also, avoid using items like toilet paper or paper towels in place of recovery wadding. If you do, you risk the paper raining down fire upon bystanders, and the parachute may very well melt upon engagement.

Do not Pack the Parachute too Tight Into the Rocket

This is important, as well. If you pack the parachute too tight into the rocket’s nosecone, you risk the parachute not deploying at the end of the first stage. If it is too tight within the nosecone, the blast sent by the blasting cap will not push the parachute through the nosecone like it is supposed to and can still be melted by the blast despite the recovery wadding.

In Conclusion

Model rocket parachutes are deployed in two stage systems that begin with the launch of the model rocket.  The actual parachute is engaged at the peak of the model rocket’s launch, signaling the second stage. Just be sure to use the appropriate recovery wadding to keep from dropping fire among the spectators.

There are other recovery methods as well that one can rely upon as well to include streamers that functions similar to parachutes and remember the radio control boost glider recovery method for those who want more control over their rocket and its flight path.

The ability for the rocket to transition into a glider is phenomenal, but this option can cost more.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you and gave you the information you needed to know how a model rocket parachute works and make an educated decision on whether this recovery system is going to work for your model rocket. Have fun, rocketeers!

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.