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Are Model Rockets Safe?

Flying rockets require the use of lighting a fuel-based substance on fire to launch a fairly sharp object into the sky. From first glance, model rockets may bring the question of safety into your mind. Don’t let this first image deter you as building and flying model rockets can be an incredibly enjoyable and safe activity. So are model rockets safe?

By following safety protocols designed by the National Association of Rocketry (NAR), model rockets are safe to use. The key to safe model rocket use is ensuring proper rocket construction, correct power use, appropriate environmental conditions, and heightened awareness on a launch site.

As model rocketry has grown in popularity, so has the attention to safe practices. The materials used in building rockets, the standards and code of behaviors, and the requirement of certification for high powered rockets have progressed and are continually updated over time to ensure the hobby remains fun and safe for all levels of user.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

How Safe Are Model Rockets?

Advances in model rocket technology as well as greater awareness and focus on adhering to safety practices have made model rockets a fun and safe activity. As a comparison, flying model airplanes can be much more dangerous. The engines used in rockets are much safer than their equivalent in airplane fuel. The propeller on a model airplane moves much faster than a rocket, which could lead to possible dangers.

Model rockets are safe when the user takes the time and effort to understand safety precautions and carries them out throughout the rocket building and launching process.


The NAR Safety Committee has compiled data on rocket sport safety, which includes all levels of amateur rockets. Some of these rockets can be quite large in size in addition to the smaller model rockets that beginners use. Given this, much of the accident data includes bigger rockets. These pose greater risk than smaller ones, making these results appear more unsafe than they would be for your beginner user.

After examining 6,169 flights, there was an 8.5% average flight failure. This is a very low number which includes the larger rockets. You can expect this to be even lower for small rockets. 75% of these accidents were related to the recovery system, making proper assembly and materials crucial for safe return of rocket.

D through G level engines were most likely to experience problems (C level and below are recommended for beginners).

The most common model rocket accidents:

  • Recovery failure resulting in damage to rocket or colliding with foreign object
  • Instability in launch phase leading to misfires or dangerous angles of flight

This data is helpful in recording safety findings, but is not substantial enough to rely on solely. The problem comes down to reporting, where data is not measured sufficiently. There is no strong statistical evidence to conduct legitimate risk analysis.

The NAR aims to continue building empirical evidence and encouraging users to report incidents so accurate records can be kept. This will help form more accurate conclusions about rocket safety and encourage proper precautions to be taken.

NAR Safety Code

The NAR Model Rocket Safety Code is the single most effective guideline to ensure safe model rocketry. While it is dependent on individuals adhering to the code voluntarily, its existence has had positive impacts on the safety of model rockets.

The code covers almost all areas you should be aware of in keeping your rocket experience safe, from construction to launch to recovering your rocket. Here are some of the most important parts covered in the code. Later on, you’ll see specific steps you can take to adhere to these and keep your flights fun and safe.

The code states:

  • Materials: Should only be lightweight and no use of metal on outer body
  • Motors: Must be commercially made and cannot be altered with or used for other purposes
  • Launch Safety: Make sure everyone is aware that a launch is about to take place by counting down out loud and maintain safe distance from rocket
  • Launcher: Must use launch pad and rail/rod system to ensure upward flight. Must be above eye level for eye safety.
  • Size: Cannot exceed 53 ounces at lift off and cannot contain more than 4.4 ounces of propellant or 320 Newton-seconds of total impulse
  • Flight Safety: No explosives in rocket and steer clear of objects in sky
  • Launch Site: Must be outdoors in an open area
  • Recovery System: Use a recovery system for safe landing. Wadding system must be fire proof.
  • Recovery safety: Do not retrieve rockets from powerlines and dangerous places

Adhering to these guidelines has cut down on accidents related to operating and retrieving model rockets.

What You Can Do to Stay Safe

While the NAR code gives you instructions on how to avoid many of the problems that may arise when flying a model rocket, there are many concrete steps you should take to ensure safe flying.

Material Safety

The first topic mentioned in the code relates to materials. Using the correct materials is necessary for successful flying as well as making sure these materials are constructed properly within the rocket.

Proper Materials

Model rockets, especially low to mid power ones, should be made with lightweight materials. This is both for performance and safety. Heavy materials will create drag on the rocket and make their speed slower after launch. Lightweight materials are able to glide through the air much more easily. For safety, lightweight materials cause less damage upon return if the recovery system fails.

Materials for high performance and safety:

  • Cardboards: Often used for the body tube of rocket
  • Plastics: Can be used for nosecone and fins on many entry-level rockets
  • Balsa wood: Lightweight and strong wood that is commonly used for fins and nosecone

Thicker woods and materials may be used as you work your way into high powered rockets, but these are the most common materials for amateur and beginning rocketeers.

All of these materials are used successfully on low to mid power rockets that are able to reach high altitudes and return safely for continued rocket use.

Proper Construction

Using the correct materials is the first step in material safety, but putting them together correctly is also important. Making sure your rocket is stable and secure will allow for a high-performance rocket that is safe to use.

  • Fins: Significant contributors to stability in a rocket. There is a correlation between fin accuracy and placement and the performance of a rocket. Properly securing the fins will lead to flights that are straight and predictable.
  • Launch lug: Make sure these are secure on the rocket. Launch lugs are responsible for connecting the rocket to the launch pad rods and rails. These make sure the rocket will launch in an upward direction to prevent accidents in low flight paths.
  • Shock cords: These connect to the parachute and nosecone to ensure proper recovery. Make sure the shock cords are securely fastened to the nosecone and inside of body tube. If this is not secure, the recovery system will not be effective.
  • Nosecone: The nosecone must be secure, but not too tight. If it cannot release from the rocket, it will maintain its ballistic flight path at high speed and engine may release rather than the recovery system.

We will dive deeper into the specifics of the recovery system later and the steps you will need to take to ensure safe rocket landing.

Use Wadding

What is Wadding?

The general definition of wadding is a soft, yet thick material used to protect fragile items. It usually has a wool-like or fleece texture. This definition is very close to the materials used in model rockets. Wadding is used to prevent engine material and heat from destroying the recovery system that is made of plastic. It not only blocks small burning pieces, but acts as insulation to prevent heat from melting the parachute or other plastic recovery method.

It is a thick, tissue paper-like material, but is chemically treated to make it fire resistant. It is easily malleable, allowing it to fit snuggly in varying rocket sizes.

To use, take multiple sheets of wadding and crumble them into balls. Place them in between the engine and the parachute. Packages of model rocket wadding typically last for upwards of 25 flights.

Types of Wadding

Not all wadding is alike. While traditional wadding used since the invention of model rockets resembles these tissues, there are other popular forms.

  • Tissue wadding: Used since the early 1960s, this is similar to toilet-paper as mentioned above. It is doused in flameproof chemicals to keep the burning particles from damaging the rocket.
  • Cellulose fiber: This is the most widely used wadding and is often times referred to as “dog barf” (mostly because it closely resembles it). This is insulation that you can find at any hardware store. It is made of paper fiber and a fire retardant. It is often used as insulation in your home. It is a cheaper alternative to tissue wadding.
  • Nomex/Kevlar Heat Shields: These are fire-resistant materials that are often used in professions related to fire risk (firefighters, race car drivers, astronauts, military personnel). This can be more expensive, but is reusable if not damaged.
  • Ejection baffle: Replaces the need for wadding with a mechanical device that traps burning particles. It is also able to slow down hot gases, allowing them to cool. This is an alternative to wadding and eliminates the need to replace after each launch. This is best suited for larger rockets that may require more wadding or if you use a rocket at a high rate.

Ineffective Wadding Alternatives

Users are often looking for alternatives for cost as well as availability. Some people have tissue materials laying around their house and decide to use it out of convenience. Some of these materials can be dangerous!

  • Kleenex: While it has the same consistency as tissue wadding, it is easily flammable. It may be able to block some of the heat to prevent melting, but burning particles put this material at risk for fires.
  • Cotton balls: These increase the insulation qualities of preventing heat compared to tissue, but are similarly flammable.
  • Newspaper: This is incredibly flammable with the chemicals and ink present in the paper. This puts your recovery system in danger for both heat and fire exposure.
  • Paper Towel: Without any fire retardant, paper towel is very flammable and could pose risks to the recovery system.
  • Grass/Lettuce: This is a creative alternative because it is damp and will be unlikely to start a fire. There is little insulation with this alternative and if the material is in anyway dry it could cause fire risks.

Sticking with the acceptable forms of wadding (even if it may be slightly more expensive or inconvenient) is the safest bet that will preserve your rocket and prevent damage to people or objects upon landing. For further reading on this topic, see our post on Model Rocket Wadding Alternatives: Pre-Made and DIY Solutions.

Use Proper Engines

Model rocket engines are safe to use thanks to the advances in technology since the early days of model rocketry. Single-use manufactured engines are safe alternatives (and required) to the days of individuals mixing fuels themselves.

Steps for Safe Engine Use  

Follow these guidelines to ensure proper engine use:

  • Always use manufactured rocket engines: Trying to create your own or using a motor that is not designed for a rocket may lead to performance failures and pose risks of misfires, engines releasing mid-flight, or loss of rocket.
  • Never tamper or modify engine: Any sign of heat could trigger an engine to ignite. Tools used to change the motor may be mistaken for a heat source and set off the engine a little too close to you.
  • Use a manageable size: For beginners, stick with a level C motor or lower. Very powerful rockets may get lost in the sky and be difficult to retrieve. If you lose sight of the rocket and a recovery malfunction occurs, this can be incredibly dangerous and collision may occur.

Engine Sizes

Engines range in size based on performance and power. They are categorized by letter, starting with the least powerful “A” and ascending in letter as well as power. Each letter has double the power of the previous. This is a measure of “total impulse” and Newtons are used as the measurement unit.  

  • Engines A – D: Low power (Can be used by anyone)
  • Engines E – G: Mid power (Some F and G engines require certification)
  • Engines H – O: High power (Require certifications to use)

Your specific model rocket will suggest engines that are appropriate. Use the suggested engines for safety and to ensure a successful flight.

Engines are the most dangerous part of the rocket because they are what causes the potential hazards related to combustion and fire. Minimizing these risks with proper use and size will prevent other issues from being exacerbated by excessive power and force.

Recovery System Safety

When there are no obstacles in the way, launching a rocket into the air is a very safe activity. The risks of danger become greater when the rocket stops its ascension and heads back toward the ground. If left to its own devices, the rocket would coast and eventually descend at high speed back toward the ground with a sharp nosecone. This would pose incredibly risk to humans and objects on the ground. Thanks to the recovery system in rockets, this problem can be avoided.

How the Recovery System Works

After the engine burns completely in the rocket, an ejection charge is released to prepare for the rocket to descend. This ejection charge produces a pressurized gas that releases the nosecone and ejects the parachute or similar recovery system device. The nosecone is connected to the parachute and all are connected by a shock cord to keep all the parts together during recovery.

If this successfully ejects, the rocket should make its way back to ground at a slow pace and within the desired launch area.

Tips to Ensure Successful Recovery

By following these procedures, you will increase the likelihood of successful recovery drastically:

  • Use effective wadding: Without it, your plastic parachute or other recovery method can melt and will be ineffective after ejection charge.
  • Properly insert parachute: After every use, you will need to reinsert the parachute into the rocket for the next flight. It will become a problem if the parachute is not placed inside carefully. You must ensure that the parachute lines do not tangle or wrap around the parachute, which will delay or prevent release. Fold the parachute smoothly for quick release.

Launch Site Procedures

Now that you’ve properly selected all necessary materials and constructed them safely, there are important precautions you should take to ensure safety on the launch site. Rockets are powerful and they can easily present problems if not handled with care.

Safety Practices for Launching

When at the launch site, you must be vigilant to ensure safety for yourself and your surroundings. This includes the site itself, materials, the presence of other people, and what to do in the event of an accident.

Launch Day Conditions

It is crucial that the site’s conditions are conducive for flying your rocket. You should consider multiple things before launching your rocket:

  • Clear Skies: Are there high levels of visibility? If I launch my rocket, will I be able to keep track of it before it descends? If yes, then it should be safe to launch. Do not launch into clouds as they interfere with visibility. For related reading see our article on Can You Launch a Model Rocket in the Rain?
  • Wind: High levels of wind can take your rocket out of your desired launch area, increase chances of accidents, and potentially result in loss of your rocket. According to NAR, do not fly if winds exceed over 20 MPH. Wind direction is also important. Put spectators and yourself in the crosswind to avoid collisions. For more reading on this subject see our article on Maximum Wind Speed for Model Rocket Launch.
  • Obstructions: Avoid powerlines and airplanes when launching your rocket. This will not only destroy your rocket but can pose great risk for fires and other damage related to collisions.
Launch Environment and Space

Launching a rocket should always occur outdoors in an open space. Many people choose to do this in an open field. Be sure there is no dry grass close to your launch pad that could create risk for a grass fire.

According to the NAR safety code, there are specific distances you should give for launch site and distance from people and obstructions. These are dependent on the power of the motor.

Motor TypeSite Space (Feet)Safe Distance (Feet)
A100 15
B 200 15
C 400 15
D 500 15
E 1,000 30
F 1,000 30
G 1,500 40

A good rule of thumb is to find a large enough open space that is at least half as long at the maximum height of the rocket once launched. Higher powered motors require more space for the launch site as well as distance away from things and people that could potentially be injured.

If you are with a group of people, make sure they are all at a safe distance and aware of their surroundings at all times. Counting down before launch is crucial so that all people are aware that the object will be in the air and coming down shortly after. Have every individual keep an eye on the rocket once it is launched so they can prepare for its landing in case something goes wrong.

Rocket Checklist

Before you launch, you should check your rocket and launch area to make sure everything looks secure and is ready for takeoff.

Take the time to look at these areas to ensure safety throughout the entire flight experience:

  1. Rods and rails are secure: Make sure the launch pad holds the rods securely and that they are strong enough to support your rocket. This is the main way that the rocket is able to maintain stability during launch. If these are loose, it could cause the rocket to shoot off in an undesirable direction (which is anything but up).
  2. Launch Pad Orientation: Make sure the launch pad is faced away from people and objects in case of misdirected launch.
  3. Nosecone tightness: Make sure the nosecone is secure but not too tight. If it does not release during the ejection charge, it will blow the engine out of the rocket and not release the recovery system. This may bring the rocket to the ground at dangerous speeds.
  4. Wadding is installed: Make sure you have enough wadding during each flight to protect the recovery system
  5. Clip igniters to launch controller: Make sure no metal is touching and that the safety lock is on the controller until ready for launch
  6. Step as far away as possible: Stand as far from the rocket as the launch controller cord will let you to prevent accidents that may occur up close.
If an Accident Occurs

If you have taken the proper safety precautions and properly constructed your rocket, you should not run into many problems. It is always in your best interest to know what to do if an accident or malfunction occurs.

Here are some scenarios that can occur and what you should do:

  • If a person has been hit by a rocket, seek immediate medical attention. Call appropriate medical teams and try to help the person.
  • If a rocket becomes caught in a power line, stuck in a tall tree, or left in a dangerous place, do not retrieve it. The loss of the rocket is much less serious than the risk you could put yourself at by trying to save it.
  • If a misfire occurs and the rocket does not launch, do not approach the rocket. First engage the launcher safety lock or unplug the battery to stop electrical pulse. Then wait at least a minute after the last launch attempt before approaching the rocket.

Finally, if an accident does occur, you should take note of the incident for your own learning and report it to the National Association of Rocketry. The only way to gain helpful insight and collect data is through reporting. While it may seem embarrassing, it is helpful to improve safety standards and make model rockets safer to use.

Sharing your experiences will help educate other rocket users and prevent similar accidents or malfunctions from happening to many who could do the same thing.

Model Rockets are Safe

With any activity that involves a combustible device for operation, there will be risks. This article is meant to inform you of the risks you put yourself at if you do not follow very easy to follow safety procedures.

Taking the time to follow these procedures and stay alert when using a model rocket makes flying model rockets a safe and fun activity. Making these procedures a part of your rocket building process is an easy way to ensure you are operating the rocket to the best of its abilities. Full performance means safe performance as all the components are operating properly and you will be able to use your rocket over and over!

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

30 Epic Model Rocket CATO’s

An unsuccessful model rocket launch can be a huge disappointment to the owner of the rocket. On the other hand, the results of a CATO can be pretty spectacular.

I’ve compiled a list of 30 epic model rocket CATOs that the owners were lucky enough to catch on video.

Be ready to laugh and gasp in surprise at the unexpected twists, turns, and dives these rocket videos will take.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

30 Epic Model Rocket CATO’s

A CATO is another term for a catastrophic failure of a model rocket, and in particular the model rocket’s motor. The term is often used more loosely to describe any failure of a model rocket’s flight that results in a catastrophe. There is some debate as to whether it is an acronym standing for “catastrophic at take off” or if it is simply a shorter way of saying catastrophe.

CATOs can be caused by using old or poorly stored model rocket engines, the engine flying off the model rocket, misusing a reloadable kit, or building an experimental rocket engine incorrectly. Sometimes a CATO is just plain bad luck.

3…2…1… Launch! Get ready to watch some amazing CATOs in the list below!

1. Epic Pinwheel of Fire at LDRS

The custom model rocket dubbed Epic Rocket by the videographer’s son featured in this video has three H motors in the fin tips and a J in the bottom of the rocket’s body. This poor model rocket fails spectacularly and powerfully.

This video was taken at the annual rocketry even called the LDRS, which stands for Large Dangerous Rocket Ship. It probably wasn’t the only CATO that day.

2. Epic CATO of an EZI-65 54mm CTI L-265 at Tripoli Fort Myers

The model rocket in this video was the EZI-65 with a L265. This launch video features data on the speeds and altitude of the rocket as it soared through the air, until it failed that is.

3. Epic Rocket Spiral

This video has all the qualities of a good model rocket CATO video – smoke, sparks, and flames. The first rocket barely makes it off the launcher before it spirals back in a cloud of smoke.

4. v2 rocket cato

This is truly a funny CATO. Around second 54 the rocket pops slightly off the launcher and loses its engines, and then – wait for it – the recovery system is activated. Poor guy. It would have been awesome if it flew.

5. Iris 2-stage rocket – Booster Cato

Wow. This is a serious rocket with some real power. Unfortunately, some of the motors CATOed shortly after launch, but the very prepared owner was able to stop the second stage motors from firing and deploy the parachute so it could land without getting hurt.

6. P rocket cato

“3…2…1… initiate!” they say, but watch out for sudden disassembly. This rocket is destroyed with a loud boom moments after is launches. It falls down in pieces.

7. Rocket motor CATO

The Aerotech G64-7W fails spectacularly very soon after launch in this video. In a cloud of smoke, it stops suddenly in the air before falling to the ground. At least the parachute helped soften its fall.

8. Estes CATO launches

Okay, so this video doesn’t actually feature a CATO technically speaking, but how could I not include a rocket that is named CATO?

This video is a rare recording of the Estes CATO, a model rocket that is designed to fall apart after launch. The CATO lovers out there can get their kicks with this model rocket.

The Estes CATO is a classic “gag” rocket and has been out of production since the 90’s. It is getting very difficult to find secondhand and people are willing to pay a good amount for one in good condition.

In this video you get to see it launch, and fall to pieces, twice.

9. DoubleSShot BPS rocket motor test, 5,000+ pounds of thrust and CATO

After some pictures of the construction of this massive motor, they get to the point – the explosion. The videographer warns everyone to get under cover, and I don’t think there is a person there who regrets it.

The explosion in this video was recorded from several different angles so you get to appreciate it over and over again from a new perspective. The still photos at the end are just as cool.

10. 150 mm (6″) sugar rocket CATO

The launch in this video takes place in the Mojave Desert at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry test facility. The motor of this rocket failed at the bulkhead which caused a massive CATO. Debris falls down all around the spectators, much to their delight.

11. Quad Runner and Motor CATO

One of the motors on the Quad Runner CATOs, but the rocket still manages to launch and land safely. This video is unique because it offers a slow motion view of the CATO and a deep explanation of what you are seeing happen.

Stick around until the end to get all of the details on what you’re actually seeing happen in this video.

12. kno3 model rocket epic failed

This backyard launch of a kno3 model rocket couldn’t be more of a fail. The rocket fizzles up about three feet into the air before spiraling to the ground in a cloud of smoke. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

13. N class rocket motor CATO

All I can say is thank goodness this thing wasn’t attached to an actual rocket. The flames coming out of this experimental rocket motor are intense.

The video maker says this is an N class motor, which means it has a total impulse of 10,240.01–20,560. To put this in perspective, the highest powered motor you can buy in the United States without getting a certification is a G level which has a total impulse of 80.01–160.

14. Estes E9-6 Rocket Motor Failure CATO

This video shows the failure of the Estes E9-6 model rocket motor. The video maker shows the motor casing at the beginning of the video and how to motor blew out both ends.

The launch is a sad one. The rocket doesn’t even make it off the rod before it plops back down among the smoke of its CATOing motor, and the spectators are not amused.

15. Just another rocket cato

This rocket makes it pretty high before the motor CATOs, and it is sent back to the ground with flames shooting out of the motor. While the people look like they are pretty close, the video maker assures viewers in the comments that they were a couple hundred yards away.

I imagine if they were that close, they’d be running for cover!

16. Epic Big Daddy Rocket Fail

This a close up look at the Estes Big Daddy’s motor as it fails, and it displays this failure to you in slow motion. The base of the rocket stays on the rod while the top shoots off and quickly lands on the ground and the launcher topples over. A bit of a fail all around.

According to the person who posted the video the rocket motor was 30 years old. Maybe not the best idea to use a motor that’s been sitting around for that long.

17. Rocket launch ending in CATO

This is another desert launch gone wrong. The rocket was powered by an M motor. The total impulse on an M motor is 5,120.01–10,240, and it requires a Level 3 Certification from the NAR.

This model rocket starts with a powerful launch, but it is soon sent into a spiral and then breaks into several pieces with a burst. The clouds of smoke are clear against that endless blue sky.

18. Estes Big Daddy Rocket on C6-5 engines… Failing

This is another Estes Big Daddy failure, and while not exactly a CATO, it is too funny not to include. The rocket’s owner didn’t have any of the proper motors for this rocket, which would be any of these: C11-3, D12-3, D12-5, E9-6, E12-6. The C11-3 is recommended for the first launch.

Well, he used a C6-5. The lower average thrust of the C6-5 is not enough to carry the rocket very far. The model rocket soon dives the ground where it sticks nose first in the grass like a lawn dart.

19. Estes Magnum CATO

This video’s alternate title could be “when boosters go wrong”. The video maker used a C11-0 booster in his Estes Magnum, but the booster blew up and ignited the upper stage motor, which then lit the tube on fire. The rocket was destroyed, but in good news, no one was hurt as proper safety precautions were taken.

20. Nest Rocket CATO on the Pad

This is one seriously cool looking model rocket. I mean, it takes two people to carry it across the field!

Unfortunately, the M2080 Skidmark motor over-pressurized and caused the top of the rocket to shoot off without the bottom ever leaving the rod.

At the end, the sparkles meant to make the rocket look impressive as it soared through the sky, burned out on the ground. It still looked pretty cool on the ground at least.

21. Clucker Duck CATO

Make sure you watch this one with the sound on! The rocket shoots off the launcher, but soon finds itself veering off to the side, and off screen, instead of shooting straight up.

The story according to comments is that rocket was equipped with an N motor, two L motors, and four K motors. That is a lot of power!

Things went wrong when one of the K motors CATOed. All but two of the K motors fell out, and those two K motors managed to carry the rocket over 2 miles.

22. Rocket Fails from the Black Rock Desert

This video is a compilation of a number of model rocket fails that happened at the Black Rocket Desert, not all of them technically CATOs. The first rocket launches, but you know something is wrong because it veers to the side. You miss some of the action, but it all becomes clear when the rocket lands engulfed in flames on the desert floor.

The second rocket CATO shows the model rocket’s motor shooting out of the rocket and burning out on the ground. Doh!

The third model rocket’s launch seems to be going just fine until you hear the announcer say “uh oh,” and it soon lands to the ground with an audible thud.

The next rocket takes off with a powerful blast, but it is soon coming back down… in pieces.

The last fail of the video features a rocket that only manages a little pop up before sitting back down on its launcher with a comedic effect.

23. Model Rocket Launch AT SEA: Water Landings, Crashes, and Other Misadventures

Launching a model rocket at sea? What an amazing idea. This video showcases a few challenges the rocket owner had in getting his model rocket off the ground.

The owner uses a model ship to tug the model rocket into position. That’s right a little model boat tugs this little model rocket out to sea.

While the model rocket motor does not CATO in these videos, the RV launch system has a few hiccups that cause the launch to result in a fail. The first misfire is caused by RV interference and the rocket launches before the gantry can be lowered.

The second misfire is also caused by RV interference, but it causes the rocket to fire inches away from the crew. Good thing that guy moves his face out of the way moments before it took off!

24. 4 oz lamp rocket CATO

The experimental motor in this rocket CATOs quickly, so quickly you could miss it if you blink. That would be a shame because this little rocket goes out in a ball of fire.

25. Rocket CATO

This CATO features an experimental, or you could say homemade, D class motor. According to videographer, the motor’s superglue plug fails which causes it to shoot out the bottom. Without the motor to propel it forward, the rocket falls from the sky.

26. FAIL Model rocket accident almost! Close call.

This video captures one very close call and is a reminder to us all why model rocket safety is so important. The rocket is equipped with a D12 motor and a second C motor as a booster. It launches and almost immediately begins to spiral uncontrollably.

The rocket comes right back at the owner and sticks nose down into the ground just a few feet from where he was standing, directly behind the barricade keeping people off the launch field. The video ends when the recovery system is activated while the rocket’s nose is still firmly planted in the ground and the rocket pops up at the videographer like the last scare in a horror movie.

27. Rocket CATO

Turn the sound on for a good laugh. This guy is completely nonplussed by the CATO of his rocket. A fireball shoots through the air and the rocket falls to the ground in pieces, and he is serene.

The blast put a dent in the launcher, but the rocket was unharmed. At the end of the video you even get the sweet satisfaction of watching the rocket launch as it should have.

28. snow ranch 12/3/11 high power motor failure

This video is a bit slow to start because it is in super slow motion, but around 32 seconds, the model rocket launches, and the super slow motion allows you to see every detail of the CATO.

The top of the rocket shoots off and the bottom continues to gain some height with flames shooting out of both ends before it falls to the ground. This is an impressive CATO for sure.

29. Homemade Model Rocket Motor Explodes!

Around 3 minutes and 26 seconds, this young man launches a paper towel tube rocket with a homemade, experimental motor. He was just looking to test a motor he was making so he didn’t put much effort into the model rocket. Well, spoiler… the motor explodes. Chunks of the PVC pipe that he used as his motor’s casing were found across the field.

This is a dangerous way to test a motor, but luckily, no one was hurt, and he learned an important lesson. There are lots of good notes in the comments about how to safety test an experimental model rocket motor.

30. Rocket Motors Failures Compilation

This video features several images of experimental motors CATOing one right after the next with no relief. The last experimental motor is by far the most explosive, but a number of them feature some serious close calls. Don’t try this at home folks!

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

Model Rocket Spin Stabilization Explained

Spin stabilization is one of those topics that comes up as you get into making more advanced model rockets, and it is a fun stabilization method to experiment with. But what is model rocket spin stabilization, and is it worth it?

Spin stabilization works by spinning the rocket very rapidly in flight, creating a gyroscopic effect that resists outside forces that would alter its trajectory. In most cases, spin stabilization will not increase the effectiveness of the model rocket enough to warrant the disadvantages that come along with it.

If you’d like to know more about spin stabilization in model rockets and what the benefits of spin stabilization will cost you, continue reading. I break down how spin stabilization works, the benefits it offers, and the disadvantages it has below.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

Model Rocket Stabilization

To say that having a stable rocket on the launching rod is very important is an understatement. Rocket stability is essential. As soon as an unstable rocket leaves the launch rod, it will fly erratically and unpredictably, creating a dangerous situation for yourself and any bystanders.

The stability of any rocket you design must be spot on in order for it to launch successfully and safely. Thankfully building a stable model rocket is not as difficult as the theory that goes into it.

How Model Rocket Stabilization Usually Works

In order to understand how spin stabilization works and to determine if it is a feature worth building into your rocket, you must first understand how model rocket stabilization normally occurs.

Normal model rocket stabilization is achieved by using fins and by putting the center of pressure behind the center of gravity.

Center of Pressure and Center of Gravity

The center of gravity is the average location of the weight of an object, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense to most folks. It is much easier to understand stand in practice. If you’ve ever balanced a ruler or a stick on your finger, then you’ve found the center gravity.

On a model rocket, you can find the center of gravity by balancing it on the edge of a ruler, your finger, or dangling it from a string.

The center of pressure is the average location where pressure is exerted. In a model rocket, it is where the forces of lift and drag will be exerted.

If your model rocket’s center of pressure is in front of the center of gravity, it will not stay that way for long! The rocket will attempt to fly backwards because the center of pressure always wants to be behind the center of gravity.

With the center of pressure behind the center of gravity, you will ensure that your rocket flies nose first, and you can also make use of fins.

You can find the center of pressure mathematically or by using a rocket simulator. Rocket simulators are very accurate at calculating the center of pressure. You could also just play around with the model rocket and test its stabilization using the method below.


Fins don’t just make the rocket look cool. They are the primary stabilization method used by most model rockets, and they are good at what they do.

If you launched a model rocket without fins, it would fly end over end through the air like in this video where a finless model rocket is tested repeatedly.

Fins allow a model rocket to self adjust using aerodynamic forces and this will keep the rocket stable and pointing in the right direction. You can see how this works in greater detail in this video which simulates how air interacts with the model rocket as it flies through the air.

Essentially, as the bottom of the rocket kicks out of alignment with the rest of the rocket, aerodynamic force will act upon the fin and cause it to shift back into place. This self correction keeps the rocket flying in a straight vertical line.

Testing Stabilization

Testing your if your model rocket is stable is easy. Attach a long and sturdy string or a rope to the model rocket at the center gravity. Then swing the string around your head like a lasso. It can help to record this so that you can observe how the rocket responds.

If the rocket flies straight, the stable. If the rocket does not fly straight, or if it dips up and down or oscillates at all, it is not stable. The center of pressure is not behind the center of gravity.

If the rocket flies backwards or fins first, but its flies straight, then the center of gravity and the center of pressure or probably too close or right on top of each other.

How Does Spin Stabilization Work?

Spin stabilization is when a model rocket is made to spin as it is launched through the air. This spinning motion can increase the stability of the model rocket.

Spin stabilization allows the rocket to fly in a straighter line because a spinning rocket will not react as quickly or as dramatically to aerodynamic disturbances as a non-spinning rocket will (source).

Spin stabilization is most commonly used in bullets and satellites or other things sent on a trajectory in space, but most modern rockets rely on more sophisticated solutions like a gimbaled thrust.

It is important to note that spin stabilization is not enough to keep the rocket on the straight and narrow. Spin stabilization is meant to enhance the stabilization provided through the normal method, not replace it.

In order for spin stabilization to replace a model rocket’s fins, it would have to be spinning extremely fast, in the hundreds if not thousands of revolutions per second.

That being said, carefully designed finless rockets are capable of launching successfully. Korey Kline reportedly did it in 1982 (source). The model rocket did not reach a very high altitude, but the flight was considered successful.

Korey Kline’s finless rocket did spin as it launched, but spin stabilization was not the sole stabilizing feature. The finless rocket used another form of stabilization called drag stabilization which uses the aerodynamic force of drag to stabilize the rocket, which is why it didn’t fly very high.

Just launching a model rocket with a spin will not be enough for it to launch without fins but adding a spin to a rocket has the potential to help keep the rocket straighter.

Disadvantages of Spin Stabilization

Spin stabilization is not a go to stabilization method among model rocket enthusiasts because it isn’t all that effective and spin stabilized rockets will not fly as high as a non-spinning rocket.

Slower Rocket

The first and most important reason that spin stabilization is not widely used to increase the stability of a model rocket is that is slows down the rocket during its flight.

Fin-spun model rockets, or rockets that use alterations to their fins to make the rocket spin, will not fly as high model rockets that do not use spin stabilization.

This is because to set the model rocket in a spin, it actually takes energy and that energy comes from the rocket’s kinetic energy or speed (source).

Additionally, the rocket will be slowed down because the spinning is caused by a lift force, which means there is also an increase in the drag force. Drag is a drag. It it will cause the model rocket to slow down.

A slow flying rocket will not be able to reach the same heights as a model rocket that isn’t spinning.

Parachute Problems

A rocket that is spinning when its parachute emerges could have a problematic landing. Parachute lines can quickly become twisted and tangled in such a way that the recovery system becomes ineffective.

A streamer would likely fare much better unless the rocket continues to spin as it descends, in which case the streamer would probably not flap back and for as much as it spins with the rocket. Streamers create drag by flapping back and forth. This is how the streamer slows down the rocket.

Plenty of rockets that spin during their flight land just fine, but the potential for the recovery system to fail is there. I’d stick with a streamer when experimenting with spin stabilization.

Spin Speed

It is very unlikely that a model rocket would be able to spin fast enough to make such a difference in the flight path that it offsets the other disadvantages of using spin stabilization. When a bullet, for example, is shot from a gun, it spins at thousands of revolutions per second to help it fly straight.

Now the accuracy that a bullet flies is clearly more important than the accuracy of a model rocket, but in order for spin stabilization to work optimally the model rocket would need to spin at a rate in the hundreds of revolutions per second if not more.

The Ideal

A model rocket is at its least stable just as it leaves the launch rod because it no longer has the rod’s guidance and it is still as a relatively low speed.

The ideal time to use spin stabilization would be early in the flight as the model rocket leaves the launch rod so that it can benefit from added stability when it is at its least stable.

Then, ideally, the spin would slow and stop so that the rocket can reach its top speeds without loss of energy or added drag.

Achieving this method is easier said than done, and for a rocket that it is already stable, it may seem like overkill.

The answer is a helical launch tower. NASA has used these to launch some of their rockets, but you can’t just go to the hobby shop and buy a helical launch tower. You would have to custom design one and build it yourself.

Of course, another way to add stability at launch is to use a slightly longer launch rod. This solution is much easier than building a helical launch tower

How to Experiment with Spin Stabilization

Just because spin stabilization is not the ideal way of creating stability in a rocket does not mean that it isn’t fun to experiment with. If you’re looking for a new model rocket feature to experiment with, spin stabilization could be it.

If you want to experiment with spin stabilization, there are some simple ways you can go about launching a rocket that spins all of which require that you modify your model rocket’s fins.

Messing with the fins of a model rocket can cause the rocket to react in an unpredictable way. While these modifications are not advanced level rocketry, this certainly isn’t beginner level stuff either.  Make sure you launch carefully.

Spin tabs

Spin tabs are not usually something you add to a fin. It is a modification you make to the planned for fin. To make a spin tab, you alter the typical fin design so that a narrow portion of the bottom edge of the fin sits at an angle. The amount of angle you put on the fin is up to you, but it doesn’t need to be a lot. This is an area that would be fun to experiment with.

Whether you are custom designing a rocket or you are building from a box kit, the alteration is very similar.

All you need is a hobby knife, wood glue, and a protractor to ensure that the angle on all three fins are exact. It is imperative that each fin is exactly the same as the others.

If the fins are not identical, it could cause the rocket to cone. When a model rocket cones the nose of the rocket rotates in a wide circle and the bottom does not. This will obviously cause an unsuccessful launch.

Here is an easy to follow tutorial available on YouTube. It is by Tim Van Milligan of Apogee components. It is a little old, but still has solid information.

Canted Fins

Normally when affixing fins to a model rocket, you affix them so they sit vertically against the body tube. They stand just as straight as the rocket itself.

When you cant the fins, you affix them to the model rocket at a slight diagonal. You can increase the angle if you’re looking to experiment, but to induce a spin, it is not necessary.

The angle does not need to be huge for it to be effective. The larger the angle, the more drag the model rocket will experience, the slower it will go, the lower it will fly.

To cant the fins, all you need to do is draw a straight line where the fin should go. Put the top of the fin just outside of the top of the line, and the bottom of the fin just outside of the bottom line. Do this for all three fins. This should be enough to make your rocket spin.

Cambered Airfoil

An airfoil simply refers to the shape of the cross section of the fin. Most model rocket kits come with fins that are effective, but easy to manufacture. For top performing fins, it is always recommended that you airfoil, or shape the fins.

A symmetrical airfoil will not create a rotation in the rocket, but if you go with a cambered airfoil, it will cause the rocket to rotate. The cross section of a cambered airfoil looks like a teardrop shape, but one side of the teardrop is wider than the other.

To airfoil your model rocket’s fins all you need is a ruler, a pencil, and sandpaper on a block. It takes a lot of sanding! Here is a video of Tim Van Milligan again making a cambered wing for a model airplane to give you an idea of the process:

Rockets that Spin

There are a couple model rocket kits on the market today that spin when launched. These kits can be a great place to start if you’re just getting into spinning rockets.

The Estes Space Twister (link to check price on Amazon) is an intermediate level model rocket that uses a lip on the long edge of the fin to create a spinning effect. It can reach up to 900 miles high.

The Odd’l Rockets Pipeline is a tube fin rocket that spins! Tube fins are exactly what you might think. Instead of fin three small paper tubes are attached to the model rocket.

Additionally, if you can find them secondhand, these model rocket’s spin as well, and their designs may give you some inspiration for your own.

The Estes Spin Control is a spinning rocket that is equipped with a counter that will count how many times the rocket spins during its flight. How neat is that?

Lastly, the Estes Farside was a three-stage model with three sets of fins that sit off centered of each other.

The Takeaway

Spin stabilization is fun to experiment with, but it is not a practical stability solution. Many people look to spin stabilization to replace the fins in order to reduce drag on their model rocket, but finless flight is very difficult to achieve using spin stabilization alone.

Some might look to spin stabilization to keep their rocket flying straighter, and potentially higher, but this is also not the case as spin stabilization actually slows down the rocket.

If you’re looking for increased stability or less drag, there are more effective ways to achieve it.

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

Model Rocket Range Box: 11 Essential Items

While digging through my bottomless pit of a range box to prepare for an upcoming launch, I quickly realized that something had to change. I either had to bring less stuff with me to the launch site or I needed to get a more functional box. Honestly, probably both.

But what are the most essential items to have in a model rocket range box? The most important items to have in your range box are engines, igniters and plugs, wadding paper, and parachutes and streamers. There are several other items that are nice to have, but without these top four items, you aren’t launching.

For the full list of items, you might consider bringing and some tips on picking out a functional box to hold it all, continue reading.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

11 Essential Items For Your Model Rocket Range Box

What you decide to put in your range box is going to depend on the kind of model rockets you launch, the conditions you’re launching in, and your personal style. If you like to be prepared and ready to repair a rocket on the field, you’re going to need more than someone who doesn’t mind missing a launch because of a cracked nose cone.

The two things I don’t include on this list that you will need when you launch your rockets and a method of launching the rocket. In general, people don’t keep their rockets or the launch equipment in their range box.

So, here’s your warning: If you’re using this list as a checklist to prepare you for launch day, don’t forget the launch equipment if you need it or the rockets themselves.

1. Engines

You can’t launch without engines! Ideally your engines would be carefully stored in small containers and organized by impulse class to make finding them easier. Many of the boxes I suggest at the end of this post have small compartments that are perfect for storing engines.

If you keep your engines in your range box full time, make sure your range box is not in a location where it will freeze. This could cause cracks to form in the propellant and damage the motor. The result would be a CATO.

Reloadable Engines

Reloadable engines allow model rocket launchers to reload a reusable metal engine casing with a propellant kit. This takes extra time and skill, but it can save a lot of money if you launch frequently.

Many people who use reloadable engines like to keep all the items that they use to reload the casing in a separate case. This may include the propellant kits as well as petroleum jelly, hobby knife, scotch tape, and paper towels. Your exact needs may vary depending on the type of reloadable motor you purchase. A small toolbox like this one would be plenty of space for most people’s needs.

2. Igniters and Plugs

Igniters and plugs are both essential items, and you want to make sure that your range box is well stocked with both. These small items won’t take up much space, and they are very easy to lose track of if you drop them in the grass.

You can use a pocket sized tackle box like this one to carry your igniters and plugs so that you always have a spare when you set your model rocket up to launch. The small size of this container makes it convenient to carry, and the tiny compartments will still allow you to organize your igniters and plugs.

3 Wadding Paper

Wadding paper, or an alternative to wadding paper, is another item that you truly cannot launch without, not if you want to launch safely and not if you want to be able to retrieve your rocket.

If you’re using wadding paper, it can easily be stored in your range box any way you want that won’t get it ruined. You don’t need to be too careful with it. It’s not like you need to keep it in pristine condition as you’re just going to crumple it up any way.

If you use a wadding paper alternative like cellulose insulation, lovingly referred to as “dog barf,” then you may have to store it with more care. Dog barf can be stored in a sealable plastic bag or a plastic container and put into your range box or carried separately. It has a tendency to get everywhere if not properly contained.

4. Parachute and Streamers

A recovery system is another item that you simply cannot fly without, or at least not safely. You can store them folded up and ready to be put inside your rocket or you could prep the rockets you plan to launch by inserting wadding paper and the recovery method of your choice ahead of time.

You’ll need enough parachutes and/or streamers for your intended launches plus a few extra just in case you have one get damaged.

5. Notetaking

Most model rocket enthusiasts enjoy taking notes about each of their launches. This is especially important when tinkering with a design or working on a new project. You’ll want to write down all aspects of the flight and any relevant statistics.

I like this sleek model rocket logbook because it lies flat when open, and it says “model rockets” on the cover. Any notebook will do.

Any pen will not. Okay, any pen will do too, but these FriXion fine point pens are amazing. They write really nicely, and they are erasable.

6. Electronics

Not everyone uses electronics when they launch their model rockets, but they can give a wealth of information about the launch, and the data from them can be really fun to analyze after the launch.


The Jolly Logic AltimeterThree is by far one of the coolest altimeters around. It measures altitude, duration, burn time, max speed, peak acceleration, average acceleration, ejection delay, coast to apogee, apogee to eject, eject altitude, initial descent, and landing speed.

It sends all this data to your smartphone and shows an interactive graph of the altitude, or you can upload the raw data to an Excel spreadsheet.

If this seems like too much data for you and all you want is the altitude, you can go with the Estes Altimeter which works up to 9,999 feet.


Launching a model rocket with a camera attached to it is addictive. The footage is amazing. If you like to or want to launch a model rocket with a camera try a keychain camera like this one, which is light enough and small enough to attach to just about any model rocket.

For a better quality video, you could try the Mobius Mini which is a little bigger and heavier than the keychain camera, but still light enough to use with many rockets.

If you’re using a camera, don’t forget to bring a spare SD card or a way to transfer the video to your computer if you run out of video storage.

6. Tools

There are several basic tools that can come in handy when you are launching model rockets. While these aren’t absolutely necessary, they are nice to have if you need to make a quick repair.

  • Needle nose pliers: Needle nose pliers can help bend or straighten an engine hook, but you’ll be surprised how often you’re reaching for them. These are almost an absolute necessity at launch. The Irwin Vise Grip needle nose pliers are sturdy and have a nice hand grip.
  • Hobby knife: The X-Acto Knife offers a sharp blade and a small package. It won’t take up much space in your range kit. You may want a spare blade on hand.
  • Scissors: A small pair of sharp scissors are great for cutting tape or unsalvageable parachute lines, but if you’re looking to lightening your load, you could get by with just the hobby knife.
  • Dowel rod: This is used to push out anything, like the engine casing or parachute, that may have gotten stuck in the model rocket tube. A ½ inch dowel that is 12 inches like this one long will work in many model rockets, but if you have longer rockets, then you will want a longer rod.
  • Sandpaper: Sandpaper can be used to clean a launch rod or help make a nose cone fit a little looser. It is lightweight, doesn’t take up much space.

7. Tape and Glue

Tape and glue are some of the more important items to have in your range box. So many problems can be fixed by adding a little adhesive. You might not wish to bring every variety I list, but many people do.

  • Masking tape
  • Electrical tape
  • Duct tape
  • Scotch tape
  • Wood glue
  • Crazy glue

If you have to choose just one type of tape and one type of glue, I would go with masking tape and crazy glue as they are the most versatile.

8. Spare Parts

If you plan to fix any damage to your rocket at the launch site, you’ll need to have some spare parts. Many people do not care to fix damaged rockets on site, so if that isn’t your thing, you won’t need many of these.

  • Launch Lugs: If your launch lug is damaged, you aren’t going to be able to fly your rocket, and repairing is easy. Keep a few in your range box so you can make the repair and continue with your launch plan.
  • Shock cord: If your shock cord snaps, you’re also not going to be able to launch your rocket. Keep a spool of Kevlar line in your range box, for a quick and easy fix. Kevlar line is commonly used because it is highly durable and can withstand high temperatures.
  • Batteries: If you must bring your own launch equipment to the launch site, then you will also want to bring spare batteries for the launch controller.
  • Eye hooks, swivels, quick links: These pieces of hardware are all used to attach parachutes and streamers to the rocket in the most ideal way. They are small and light, so they won’t take up much space in your range box.
  • Nose Cones: If you’re nose cone gets damaged or just isn’t fitting right in your rocket, it might be nice to have a spare nose cone. It is an easy swap.
  • Fins: Replacing a damaged fin is time consuming and difficult to do on the fly, especially if you are bringing a large quantity of rockets to the launch site.

If you only have a couple, you could bring a couple of spare fins of the right shape, but otherwise you would need to bring a few sheets of balsa wood and make your own. Not always worth it on launch day.

10. Tracking Powder

Model rocket tracking powder like this bright orange variety is typically only used with high altitude launches, but if you have trouble keeping track of your rocket, it can help. You put a scoop of tracking powder on top of your parachute, and when the parachute opens, the tracking powder creates an orange cloud in the sky behind it.

11. Items for You

So far, this list has talked all about the items you need to launch your rocket and keep it in good condition, but there are some things you will want to keep in your range box that are meant to help you.

Water: You might not keep it in your range box, but seriously, don’t forget to bring water, especially if you are headed toward a remote location on a hot day.

A gallon freezer bag: I like to use gallon freezer bags to store any garbage I produce at a launch, especially empty cardboard engine casings. It keeps them contained, and I can seal off any smells.

Sunscreen: If you’re launching in a safe location, you’re probably going to be spending a lot of time in the sun. If you don’t want to get sunburned, bring some sunscreen along.

Bug spray: If you’re launch site is swarming with mosquitos, you will be grateful you brought bug spray.

First Aid Kit: This goes double if your launch involves children. They just seem to find the most ingenious ways of hurting themselves. Having some alcohol pads and a few band aids handy can keep you launching.

Alternatively, you can get a first aid kit like this and keep it in your car. You’ll always have what you need in your car, and you won’t need to carry it in your range box.

Hand wipes: After handling your rocket and your rocket’s engines, you’ll probably want to be able to clean up. You can keep a small pack like this in your range box.

The Best Range Boxes

No one seems to make a box that is meant specifically for model rocketry, but that is probably because the tackle and toolboxes available are perfect for use as a range box. The ideal range box must have a lot of various sized compartments, it must be portable, and it must be customizable.

Husky Connect Tool Storage System

My top choice for a range box is line of Husky Connect tool storage system. This system has a number of small parts organization options including customizable cups, and they snap together so you can have one box for your reloadable engine stuff, but you could connect it to the rest of your range kit.

Both the tool box and the small parts organizer would be great to use for model rocketry, but if you have to choose one go with  the small parts organizer. It has a ton of small compartments to organize engines, igniters, plug, and all the other small bits that you need to launch of a model rocket.

The Husky Connect tool storage system is also great if you go to different kinds of launches. If you’re going to a competition launch, you’ll likely want to bring some extra items. You can connect a spare box for these extra items. When you’re going to a casual launch, you can detach the box with those extra items.

This is the most expensive option on this list if you intend to buy both the small parts organizer and the toolbox, but it is also by far the most versatile solution. The small parts organizer costs and the toolbox cost about $30 each at Home Depot.

Plano 4 Drawer Tackle Box

The Plano 4 Drawer Tackle Box has a large top compartment, but beneath it has four drawers with a variety of different compartments.

This tackle box would be a simple solution and easy to lug around on launch day.  The only drawback is that the compartments are not customizable, which means some of those compartments might not fit your needs, and there isn’t much you can do about it.

The Plano 4 Drawer Tackle Box should serve most of your range box storage needs, and it costs less than $40.

Stanley Sort Master Light Organizer

The Stanley Sort Master Light Organizer has several customizable compartments, and if you buy two, they can latch together. This will allow you to keep your reloadable equipment separate from the rest of your equipment, while still being convenient for lugging across your launch site.

This is a great option if you’re looking for something with several compartments that is inexpensive. Each of these boxes cost about $10.

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

16 Model Rocket Payload Ideas

I was watching some model rocket launch videos on YouTube, and I came across a couple that involved people launching interesting items in their payload bay. It made me start to think more creatively about my model rocket payload options.

What are some model rocket payload ideas? The payload bay of your model rocket is only limited by its size and your creativity. From data gathering devices and cameras to crepe paper and paratroopers, you can put almost anything in the payload bay of your model rocket.

In the ideas listed below, there is a little something for everyone. Some of them are highly practical while others are more for amusement purposes. Continue on to get some ideas that you can use at your next launch.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

We just built our own beautiful launch controllers that make launches SO much more fun, and we documented EVERY single step and item purchased and put it into a step-by-step course that teaches you how to do the exact same thing.

Click here to learn more about how you can build your own launch controllers!

Get the EXACT materials list along with easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own launch controller and make launches 10x BETTER in our course: License to Launch

Data Gathering and Electronic Payload Ideas

The payload section of a model rocket can be used to house equipment that will take accurate measurements of the flight for you. When the rocket returns to you, you will be able to take that data and use it to make your rocket better, or just for curiosity purposes.

Model rockets have also long been used for experimentation for science fairs and science projects. These devices could help if you are planning such an undertaking.

Remember with these devices, the smaller and lighter the better. They need to fit the diameter of the rocket, and you don’t want them slowing the rocket down.


Altimeters have been used in model rockets for years. If you’ve never used your payload bay for data gathering, altimeters are a good place to start.

If you don’t need your altimeter to do anything special, like operate a dual deployment recovery system, the Estes Altimeter (link to read reviews on Amazon) is a great option for model rockets. It weighs .32 ounce and can accurate measure altitudes up to 9,999 feet, which is higher than any of the model rockets they sell can fly.

If you’re looking to fly your model rocket higher than 10,000 feet, you might want to go with Jolly Logic’s AltimeterOne (link to read reviews on Amazon). This altimeter can accurately record altitude up to 29,500 feet. It has a rechargeable battery, and it saves data from up to 100 flights. Unfortunately, the data cannot be downloaded to a computer. It only weighs .36 ounces. Alternatively, the AltimeterThree will download all of your data to a smartphone via bluetooth.

If you are using the Estes Altimeter or the AltimeterOne, or another similar style altimeter, loading it into your model rocket’s payload bay is easy. You can use foam to cushion the altimeter and to hold it in place, so it doesn’t bump around the payload bay during the flight.

You may also have to drill tiny holes in the payload bay. The instruction manual that comes with your Altimeter should be able to help you figure out where to put the hole(s).

There is another altimeter option commonly used in model rockets. It works the same way as the other two, but it doesn’t come in a case and you have to wire it up yourself.  The below video shows how to wire a competition style altimeter like the Micro Peak. The process is simpler than you might think.

There are several varieties of altimeters that are sold in this way where you have to wire them up yourself. They all offer different features like dual deployment activation, acceleration recording, or collection of other types of data.

The benefit of using a competition style altimeter is that it does not have a case, so it is extra lightweight. The Micro Peak, for example weigh less than 3 grams which is about .1 ounces.


An accelerometer can measure the rate at which your model rocket accelerates. Most accelerometers can measure both the average speed of the model rocket as well as the top speed.

If you’re interested in measuring the speed of your model rocket, you might start out by using the Jolly Logic AltimeterThree (link to read reviews on Amazon) which doesn’t just calculate altitude or acceleration for that matter.

The AltimeterThree records or calculates tons of data including the peak altitude, peak and average acceleration, coast duration, time it takes to reach apogee, ejection time and altitude and more. That is a lot of data for something that weighs .37 ounces.

Even more amazing is that it sends all this data to an app on your Bluetooth enabled smartphone where the data is displayed as an easy to understand graph. From your phone, you can share your flight graph, or you can send an Excel spreadsheet with all the data to yourself or a friend.

See our post on Model Rocket Altimeters and Accelerometers for more info here.

Recovery Help

There is nothing worse than losing a rocket that you spent so much time building and preparing for launch. Well, there are some devices you can put in the payload of your rocket that can help you to retrieve it.

There are GPS trackers made for use in model rockets available, but they tend to be rather expensive, as in hundreds of dollars. To use them, you place the tracker in the payload of the rocket and then use a handheld GPS unit to guide you to the rocket. It’s not as fancy looking as the GPS in your car, but it is very effective.

If you are looking for a less expensive option, you could try installing a beeper or a siren that will sound after the flight has ended. The Transolve Beep X, for example, only weighs 1.3 ounces, but it can emit and ear splitting siren that can be heard up to 500 feet away. Don’t launch over cornfields or tall grass without one.

The Kitchen Sink of Model Rocket Electronics

If you’re looking for the all in one for model rocket electronics, check out this video. The man in this video made a circuit for his model rocket that measures just about everything you could think of from altitude and acceleration to temperature to GPS and a buzzer that sounds when the model rocket lands.

This is seriously everything you could ever want in an electronics oriented payload, but perhaps a bit more than most of us require or our payload bay can hold.

Clear Payload Ideas

Adding a clear payload bay to your rocket is as simple as adding or swapping out a payload tube. Estes sells a variety pack of clear payload tubes (link to check price on Amazon) that will fit most sizes of rocket. The tubes can be attached to your rocket using an appropriately sized coupler.

Once you have the payload tube connected to the rocket, you can fill it with whatever you’d like and watch the item zip away out of sight. Below I will share with you some ideas I came I across.


One of the more common things to place in a clear payload is a small camera. The camera would have to be small enough to fit the diameter of the tube, but they exist.

I have even seen where someone takes apart a keychain camera and fits it comfortably into his model rocket’s payload bay. You can check out that tutorial here.

Lightweight and mountable, we like the Mate808 (link to read reviews on Amazon) for quick filming. For more extensive reading and examples see our post on Model Rocket Cameras With Examples of Footage.

If you decide to fit a camera into the model rocket’s payload bay, be sure to use foam or some other method of keeping the camera in place so that it doesn’t bump around the tube during flight. This could damage your camera and you wouldn’t get a very good video.


A clear payload bay is screaming for a nighttime launch. Flying at night should be done with a group and with certain precautions taken to ensure everyone’s safety, and make sure you let the neighbors know so they don’t think that empty field across the street is being visited by aliens.

To launch a model rocket at night, you have to put some sort of light on the rocket and a clear payload makes this simple. You could insert fairy lights, glow sticks, LED lights, or battery operated strobe lights.

The lights will look great against the dark sky and it will help you keep track of and retrieve your rocket. Some of these lighting ideas could be fun even in daylight.

Action Figures or Dolls

If you are building with kids who are still into action figures or dolls, launching a toy could be a really fun project for them. Avoid using a favorite toy because any model rocket flight comes with its own risks. If the rocket gets stuck in a power line or the motor CATOs… well, no kid needs to lose a favorite toy that way.

Just for Fun Ideas

Some of these ideas involve objects that do not leave the payload bay, but others are meant to scatter. Payloads that open and scatter items across the launch field are not encouraged by the NAR, but if you plan to do it make sure that these items have a proper recovery method like a small streamer of their own.

Also, be sure that everyone is a good distance from your launch locations and that everyone is heads up and paying attention in case a recovery method fails.

Get ready for some creative and some downright silly items you could put in your payload pay.


Putting an egg or two in the payload bay of a model rocket had been done for decades. The National Association of Rocketry hosts competitions called egglofts where an egg must reach the highest altitude possible without the egg breaking.

There is also a dual eggloft that is done with two eggs and an eggloft duration event to see whose egg can stay in the air the longest. These are a beloved competition for people of all ages.

This is a fun challenge and will get everyone involved thinking creatively about how to solve the problem of the egg.


If you’re launching on a special occasion, and there are a lot of children around, there is nothing better than launching a bunch of fun sized candy. It is like the world’s coolest pinata.

You can tape flame resistant crepe paper to each candy to ensure that no piece goes missing and that every piece descends at a slower rate.

To make sure that all the candy lands within retrieving distance, use a low altitude rocket to launch the payload.


Pennies aren’t as exciting as they used to be to kids, but if you attach a penny to crepe paper, it adds a little weight to the streamer and the streamers come down nicely.

This is more for the wow effect than anything else, although a younger child might have fun collecting the shiny pennies as well.

Paratrooper Toy

Those toy soldier toys with the parachute attached provide hours of entertainment to children but getting them to float down from a truly impressive height is not possible without a little help from something like a model rocket.

Consider the timeless parachute toys, like these tangle-free paratroopers. Just make sure that it will fit in your specific rocket. If not, consider smaller paratroopers like these.

Sending a paratrooper sky high and having him slide out of the payload bay and float gently to the ground is a child’s dream, and even as an adult, it is pretty cool. Check out the below video of a rocket that launched with a paratrooper in its payload.

Any Toy Attached to a Parachute

Seriously, if you are launching with children just about any toy attached to an appropriately sized parachute will thrill them to no end. Matchbox cars, Barbie, or small figurines could all potentially fit in a payload with a parachute, depending on the size of the rocket.

Confetti, or something like it

So actual confetti will not be any fun. You probably won’t be able to see it coming out of the rocket, and the wind will likely carry it away before it reaches the launch site, but you can make model rocket appropriate confetti by cutting mylar into larger square pieces.

You could also use small flags without the wooden dowels attached to them. They would float down slowly and add a nice touch to a 4th of July celebration.

Neither of these ideas will work well from high altitudes, but it can add some serious pizazz to a low flying model rocket. You should also avoid “confetti” on windy days because the pieces will just float away on the wind. Also be sure that if you aren’t going to be able to pick up the pieces that it is biodegradable. The intent here isn’t to litter!

Roll of Toilet Paper

This is one of those silly ones. Your kids will get a kick out of it. Just make sure the toilet paper is ready to unroll so that it doesn’t come down like a rock. Depending on the size of the rocket, you may need to locate a rather small roll of toilet paper to make it happen.

An alternative to this would be a roll or two of colorful crepe paper from the dollar store. Be sure to prepare it to open readily.

Rockets with Unique Payloads

There are model rockets of the past and present that offer their own unique payload options. Estes has some discontinued models that take an unexpected twist with their payloads.

Estes Model Rockets with Clear Payloads

Why retrofit a clear payload when you can get a model rocket comes with one? Here are the Estes Model rockets that come with clear payloads.

Any one of these rockets offers a clear payload that can put whatever you’d like inside. The most common choice is of course a small camera.

Other Unique Payloads

The Estes Liquidator is no longer in the Estes catalog, but you can still find it from third party sites. It features a clear payload that can be filled with the liquid of your choosing. If you get a recording of the launch and watch it back in slow motion, you may be able to see how the liquid reacts to the launch.

The Quest Magnum Sport Motor Model Rocket has a large payload section that can fit up to two eggs, or whatever use you wanted to use as your payload. The cluster engine mount allows the rocket to soar over 1,000 feet.

The Eggstorminator is a specialty rocket designed for the NAR Fragile Payload Competition. It was designed to consistently launch an egg 984 feet into the air and return it to the ground in 60 seconds without breaking the egg. This is a great kit to start someone off in the competition.

The Hydra VII has a LARGE payload bay. It is approximately 10 inches long and has a 1.5 inch diameter. You could fit a lot of electronics, action figures, or both in this tube.

What Not to Put in Your Payload

There are a number of things that you should not put in the payload bay of your model rocket. Many of them are common sense objects, but it is worth saying.

  • Do not put anything in your payload bay that could cause harm to another person or object.
  • Do not put anything explosive in the payload bay.
  • Do not put anything that is highly flammable in the payload bay.
  • If something is meant to scatter, make sure it can do that safely. Use a streamer or parachute with the item.

A Note on Living Creatures

The National Association of Rocketry and the Tripoli Association of Rocketry do not allow for the launching of any vertebrate animals in the payload of a model rocket. They do allow insects.

But in general, it isn’t advisable to launch an insect either. There isn’t much to learn from launching a living creature because if the insect lives, you will simply know that is survived, but if it dies, you won’t know how or why. Some might view it as inhumane as well, so its best to just avoid launching anything that’s alive.

The bottom line is that launching any living creature is not necessary, but most organizations allow for the launching of beetles and other insects.

How much weight can a model rocket engine lift?

Before you get too carried away on adding heavy payload to your rocket, it’s important to keep in mind that they can only lift so much. You’ll want to make sure you aren’t exceeding the rocket engine’s carrying capacity. We put a guide together on “How Much Can a Model Rocket Engine Carry?” that that talks about how much model rockets can carry and how to calculate it for your own rocket.

Other Considerations

You may decide that in the end, you don’t want to put anything into the payload bay of your model rocket, or that you’re going to ditch the payload bay altogether. Some payload bay items serve a practical purpose, but even those add weight to the rocket. If you’re entering a competition or trying to break a personal record, you aren’t going to want to add needless extra weight.

Whatever you decide to do with your payload bay, just make sure it is serving your purpose even if that purpose is just to have a good time or get your kids excited about model rockets.

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.

Model Rocket Parachute vs Streamers: When to Use (and Avoid)

Model rockets traditionally come equipped with parachutes to slow their rapid descent to the ground after reaching apogee, but there is another option and that is the recovery streamer. This method has gained notoriety more recently, especially as more people participate in competition style events like the streamer duration events hosted by the NAR.

But which is better: model rocket parachute vs. streamer? One is not necessarily better than the other. Parachutes usually provide a slower and gentler descent while a streamer recovery system prevents the rocket from drifting too far away. The choice depends on the rocket you are launching and the conditions of the launch.

If you’re considering which recovery system to use in your next model rocket, you’re definitely going to want to read through the rest of this article. I share all the benefits and disadvantages of each system as well as information on how to acquire or make your own recovery streamer.

Are you still using the standard Estes controllers for your launches?

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Model Rocket Parachute vs Streamers

The purpose of any recovery system is to prevent your model rocket from making a crash landing and becoming damaged or hurting someone. The recovery system does this by increasing the amount of drag the rocket is subject to upon descent.

If you ask a group of avid model rocket enthusiasts whether you should use a parachute or a streamer recovery system, you will likely get a variety of opinions on the subject. People like what they like!

I will give you an unbiased look at these two recovery systems to help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

How Model Rocket Parachutes Work

If you choose to use a parachute, you first have to carefully fold the parachute and wrap the lines around it to hold it in place. Then you place it on top of the recovery wadding and behind the nose cone. When the ejection charge in the motor ignites, it causes the parachute to be forced from the nose cone.

After deploying, the parachute unfolds and as the rocket descends, the parachute fills with air and keeps the rocket from plummeting uncontrollably to the ground.

The benefit of a parachute is that it is very effective at slowing down the rocket, and it looks great while they do it.

While parachutes can be really effective at slowing a model rocket, they are also more difficult to fold because the lines require careful handling. If the parachute’s lines become tangled the parachute may not open properly, and the recovery system could fail.

Additionally, a model rocket equipped with a parachute will take longer to reach the ground and it can drift further because of it. On a windy day, you could very easily lose a high altitude rocket because of drift.

If you would like to see what a rocket with a parachute looks like as it descends, check out this video:

How Model Rocket Streamers Work

A streamer recovery system is exactly what it sounds like. A long streamer, typically made of nylon if commercially made, is folded or rolled up and wrapped in the string that connects it to the rocket before it is put it in the model rocket on top of the recovery wadding and behind the nose cone.

When the ejection charge ignites, the stream is shot from the rocket the same way a parachute would, but that is where the similarities end.

The streamer cannot be filled with air the way a parachute would. Instead it creates drag by flapping back and forth in the wind, which is very effective at slowing the descent of the model rocket.

The benefit of using a streamer is that the strings are less likely to get tangled, the rocket will be much less likely to drift away, the descent does not take as long, streamers can fit into smaller diameter rockets, and you can easily make them yourself.

On the other hand, streamers are not as effective at slowing down model rockets, especially heavier rockets. If a rocket hits the ground at too high a speed, it is likely to become damaged.

In addition, streamers are slightly harder to see at high elevations, especially if they are not made of mylar. The sooner you can see the rocket as it descends, the sooner you can prepare to retrieve it.

This is less of a problem with mylar streamers because the mylar reflects sunlight making the streamer glitter against the blue sky as it flaps back and forth.

If you would like to see how a streamer recovery method looks, check out this video:

Dual Streamer Recovery

Some model rockets boast a dual streamer recovery. This recovery system works exactly like the single streamer recovery except that it has two streamers instead of one. The idea is that two steamers flapping back and forth in the wind will provide double the drag.

Tentative research has shown that a second streamer does not cause the model rocket to slow down any more effectively than a longer single streamer (source). This is because the two streamers tend to twist around each other, decreasing the flapping needed to slow down the rocket.

If you would like to see a dual streamer in action, check out this video of the Estes Goblin:

Dual Deployment Recovery System

Dual deployment recovery systems are usually used in high power rockets. They use two recovery systems. One system activates shortly after the model rocket reaches apogee, and the second recovery system activates shortly before the model rocket reaches the ground.

Dual deployment recovery systems typically use a streamer shortly after apogee is reached, and then deploy a second recovery method, usually a parachute, when the rocket gets closer to the ground, but any combination of recovery system can be used.

Most rockets that use a dual deployment recovery system are high power rockets. This allows the high power rocket to rapidly return from a high altitude with the use of a streamer, but still be protected by the more effective parachute as it approaches the ground.

When to Use a Streamer

While a parachute is more effective at slowing down a model rocket as it descends, this does not necessarily make it the best way to assist the descent of your rocket in all circumstances.

There are certain circumstances where a streamer is recovery method you should go with. I will explain them below.

Small Diameter Model Rocket

If the diameter of the rocket is too small and it does not allow you to fit a parachute in it, then you should use a recovery streamer.

Any recovery system you choose should fit into the body of the rocket and easily move in and out of it. If you have to jam it in or the fit is too tight, the recovery system may not leave the tube when activated.

Parachutes are bulkier than streamers. A streamer will fit in some small diameter rockets that will not accommodate a parachute.

High Altitude Launches

If you’re going to launch your rocket thousands of feet in the air, you may prefer to use a streamer to prevent the rocket from drifting too far away.

If you use a parachute for a high altitude launch, the parachute could slow the rate of the rocket’s descent so much that even the slightest wind could cause it to drift out of sight. A great many model rockets have drifted off never to be seen again because of drift.

Windy Day

While you should never launch a model rocket in winds higher than 20 mph, even a 10 mph wind can cause your rocket considerable drift upon descent when using a parachute.

If you know that you are going to experience windy conditions at your launch site, then you should select a streamer.

If You’re in a Pinch

If you find yourself with a damaged recovery system, recovery streamers are easy to put together in a pinch.

As I will explain below, you can make your own recovery streamer with easy to find materials. In fact, a narrow strip of just about any material will do if necessary.

You can also make your own parachutes, but the process isn’t quite as simple.

When to Avoid a Streamer

All that being said, there are some instances when you would not want to use a streamer as your recovery method.

Streamers do not work well on heavy rockets. Some would recommend not using a streamer on any rocket that weighs over an ounce (source), but there is likely more wiggle room than this.

By using a wider and longer streamer, you may be able to make the streamer recovery system work with much heavier model rockets. It simply takes more experimentation to get a streamer right when a rocket is heavier.

In addition, the streamer method is not ideal for model rockets with wood fins. This is because a model rocket that uses a streamer will descend at a higher speed and hit the ground harder than one that uses a parachute. Plastic fins hold up much better than the wooden ones.

Where to Buy Recovery Streamers

Recovery streamers can be purchased at most places where you can find model rocketry components. They generally come in sizes where the length is 10x the width. This 10:1 ratio is thought to be optimal, although this is arguable.

Apogee Components sells nylon streamers that come in the following sizes:

  • 2”x20”
  • 3”x30”
  • 4”x40”
  • 5”x50”
  • 6”x60”
  • 7”x70”

They also sell mylar streamers in 2 sizes: 2”x56” and 4”x56”.

The Rocketman website sells even longer streamers. They are all 6 inches wide, and come in lengths of 15 feet, 30 feet, and 60 feet. They also have a line of “extreme streamers” that vary in length from 50 feet to 250 feet. These extreme streamers can be used to safely recover a rocket that weighs up to 45 pounds.

Estes Model Rockets that Come with Streamers

Most Estes beginner model rocket kits come with parachutes, but the snap together Firestreak SST (link to read reviews and check price on Amazon) is a beginner rocket that uses a bright orange recovery streamer.

Most of the other model rockets Estes equips with streamers, like to Comanche 3 and The Yankee (links to read reviews and check prices on Amazon), are some of Estes highest flying model rockets. It makes perfect sense that Estes would use a recovery streamer on their high fliers, as they are typically lightweight and from the heights they reached, they are in greater danger of drifting away with a parachute.

How to Make Your Own Recovery Streamer

Of course, you can always make your own recovery streamer as well. There are many ways to go about this and many different materials you can use, but the idea is pretty simple. You’re just connecting a streamer to the nose cone of the rocket in such a way that it will flap back and forth in the wind without falling off.

Although making the streamer is easy, knowing exactly how it will respond is very difficult. Even under very similar circumstances, a streamer could respond differently. If you want to predict how your rocket will react with a certain type of streamer, the best way to do this is to use a rocket simulator that can take into account the specifics of your rockets design.

Streamer Materials

Ideally, the material that you choose to make the streamer out of should be lightweight, highly visible, durable, and be capable of holding a crease. There is no perfect material for making a streamer. Any material you choose will have some sort of drawback to it.

Many streamer makers have luck with crepe paper, mylar, drafting paper, and yellow caution tape.

Mylar is one of the more popular materials because it is lightweight, easy to spot at high altitudes, and some varieties like the mylar with a 2 mm thickness can hold a crease.

Crepe paper is also popular, but it is not as durable as the other materials. It must be changed out every couple of launches.

Streamer Folds

If the material you choose is capable of holding a crease, then you should fold it in one of the ways listed below. Folding is important because it will help the streamer flap back and forth which is what creates drag.

Accordion Fold

The accordion fold is one of the preferred methods of folding a streamer because it is easy. It is called the accordion fold because the finished product looks a lot like an accordion.

First you put a sharp fold across the width of the streamer, then you flip the streamer over and put another fold. You may remember doing something similar to create a paper fan once upon a time.

The creases can be from ½ inch to a full inch apart, and you will need to fold at least three quarters of the streamer. Leave some of the streamer unfolded at the end to use to wrap the folded part before placing it in the rocket.

If you are having trouble with getting mylar to crease, you can use an iron set to a low heat to encourage it to crease.

To attach a string to an accordion folded mylar streamer, all you need to do is tape down the first fold leaving enough space to feed the string through it. Tie a knot at one end to keep the string from slipping out.

Accordion with Experimental Diagonal Folds

Diagonal folds can be applied to the accordion folds to increase the amount of back and forth flapping that the streamer does. In order to see how this affects the effectiveness of your streamer, you will have to do some firsthand testing. The variables are too great to predict an outcome.

How Long Should My Streamer Be?

First, we have to consider how length impacts the effectiveness of the streamer. As it turns out, a longer streamer doesn’t necessarily improve the streamer’s ability to slow down your model rocket. This is because the real magic of the streamer is in its whipping back and forth, which is why you add those folds.

After a certain point, the length of the streamer will inhibit its ability to flap back and forth. This is why many people recommend using the 10:1 ratio, or 10 inches of length for every 1 inch of width, but this ratio is often debated.

Alternatively, you can use the method described in Model Rocket Design and Construction written by Timothy Van Milligan, who owns Apogee Components and who has extensive education and experience in rocket design.

It involves estimating the size of the streamer you will need by using the weight of your rocket. There is a calculator for it here. This is a good place to start, but if you’re entering a streamer competition, it is only a starting point.

For competition streamers, you will need to do a lot of experimentation before you find the best width to length ratio and folding method that works for your model rocket. One of the best ways to experiment with streamer length on your particular model rocket is to use a rocket simulator, but of course, there is nothing like firsthand experience.

Build Your Own Launch Controller

Don’t forget! You can ditch the stock controllers and confidently build your own from scratch using our step-by-step instructions and exact materials list! We promise this will make your launch experience 10x better, and using our course License to Launch you can be 100% confident you’ll be able to finish this project and be super proud of what you’ve built! Here’s a sneak peek below.